Should 35" Nitto Trail Grapplers be treated like 37"

There is some talk of folks running a 40 on it and I think teraflex runs a 38 on it. I dunno I hope its just an anomaly and not a problem that starts surfacing more and more, for the sake of the people who spent their money. Only time will tell.
Interesting the Teraflex carrier failure. I would like to point out this is the only one I have ever heard of and there is a WHOLE LOT of great reviews from people running this carrier, with no reported jiggling up to a 38'' tire even though its rated for a 37. 1 bad report out of 100's isn't bad. I have not run it personally but if you read its overwhelming positive. Wonder if perhaps this is a new switch to china manufacturing and quality has suffered or if its just an anonymously.

Interesting thing about you and your 18 posts here. I would like to point out that this is a relatively NEW tire carrier and I had posted up what I had seen as opposed to you just "reading" a WHOLE LOT of "great reviews from people" running it. If I'm wrong, let TeraFlex leave their design as is - I dare them. If I'm right, you will see a change in the design of it just like they were forced to change the design of their front track bar that had 100's of overwhelming positive reviews on but still broke time and time again. Of course, you would only know this if you actually wheeled your Jeep instead of just reading what other people have to say on the internet. :rolleyes2:

Speaking of quality, I just got my evo rear shackle mounts, meh, expected a better fit. Should have been designed with a lip on the outside or a "cap" would have been a much cleaner look. Oh well, it is what it is.

Really? With all the reading you do on the interent, I would have thought that you of all people would have known as much and steered clear of it. Not as if there aren't a lot of people who haven't been complaining about it openly. How about you post up a pic of your Jeep with this installed so that others web-wheelers can see what you're talking about. :thumb:
There is some talk of folks running a 40 on it and I think teraflex runs a 38 on it. I dunno I hope its just an anomaly and not a problem that starts surfacing more and more, for the sake of the people who spent their money. Only time will tell.

Yeah, an anomaly like their POS first gen front track bar that broke all the time or their long arm brackets that broke all the time or their bushings that blow out all the time. Joe at TeraFlex has personally admitted to me that they either need to get their act together or will suffer the consequences of becoming "TeraCrap" again - something they were referred to back in the TJ days.

In spite of what you think, putting manufacturers on point like this encourages them to make improvements, ones that will benefit you and save lives. But hey, you can believe whatever it is you want to believe and if you want, I have a gen 1 TeraFlex front track bar that I would be more than happy to give you. Please, run it on your Jeep and let your faith in them and the 100's of positive reviews you've read keep you safe. :yup:
Interesting thing about you and your 18 posts here.

Really? With all the reading you do on the interent, I would have thought that you of all people would have known as much and steered clear of it.

That time of the month again eh?

Is there a post count or something at which a newb can post his opinion without getting flammed and ridiculed? I'm just asking so I don't step over the line... again.
i dont think he was referring to you but if you feel guilty about something maybe that's why your taking offense? :thinking:

edit: sounds like your aunt flo is visiting. dont be a douche you dont get treated like a douche. makes sense to me.
That time of the month again eh?

Is there a post count or something at which a newb can post his opinion without getting flammed and ridiculed? I'm just asking so I don't step over the line... again.

:cheesy: Oh yeah, that must be what it is. Sorry, didn't know I ever flammed or ridiculed you but apparently, the shoe fit and you chose to wear it :crazyeyes:

Peace my friend :cool:
Wait a minute I saw in a commercial that everything on the internet was true.

My valentines date was a Russian model.

Sent from my DROID X2 using WAYALIFE mobile app
:cheesy: Oh yeah, that must be what it is. Sorry, didn't know I ever flammed or ridiculed you but apparently, the shoe fit and you chose to wear it :crazyeyes:

Peace my friend :cool:

I think Target has a sale on Tampax if you are out. Just looking out for you my friend. :thumb:
:cheesy: Oh yeah, that must be what it is. Sorry, didn't know I ever flammed or ridiculed you but apparently, the shoe fit and you chose to wear it :crazyeyes:

I just thought the new guy there caught it kind of rough. Being a fairly new myself, guess it rubbed me the wrong way. Not everyone is going to agree with every one of your opinions, I doubt ripping him or clearing up for him that he's only 18 posts in (WTH does that have anything to do with the price of rice in China?) won him over to your side and hopefully doesn't sour him on the forum.

There's a LOT to learn from this forum, if you're right odds the new guy will come around without being flammed.


Just my 2 cents.
I just thought the new guy there caught it kind of rough. Being a fairly new myself, guess it rubbed me the wrong way. Not everyone is going to agree with every one of your opinions

I don't ever recall ever saying that anyone should have to agree with anything I might have to say.

I doubt ripping him or clearing up for him that he's only 18 posts in (WTH does that have anything to do with the price of rice in China?) won him over to your side and hopefully doesn't sour him on the forum.

You'll forgive me but, this guy was sour the moment he stepped into this forum and I really couldn't care less if he sided with me or not.

There's a LOT to learn from this forum, if you're right odds the new guy will come around without being flammed.

Just because you were offended with the way I handling things doesn't mean that I wasn't trying my best to keep the information on here as good and accurate as possible. If you want to learn from bad information, I would recommend that you spend more time on other forums as it is in my opinion that bad information abounds on them.
I just thought the new guy there caught it kind of rough. Being a fairly new myself, guess it rubbed me the wrong way. Not everyone is going to agree with every one of your opinions, I doubt ripping him or clearing up for him that he's only 18 posts in (WTH does that have anything to do with the price of rice in China?) won him over to your side and hopefully doesn't sour him on the forum.

There's a LOT to learn from this forum, if you're right odds the new guy will come around without being flammed.


Just my 2 cents.

Hey, one thing to remember is because of how new this site is, a lot of "new guys" are really "old guys" that have shown their true colors on the other various forums.
Interesting thing about you and your 18 posts here. I would like to point out that this is a relatively NEW tire carrier and I had posted up what I had seen as opposed to you just "reading" a WHOLE LOT of "great reviews from people" running it. If I'm wrong, let TeraFlex leave their design as is - I dare them. If I'm right, you will see a change in the design of it just like they were forced to change the design of their front track bar that had 100's of overwhelming positive reviews on but still broke time and time again. Of course, you would only know this if you actually wheeled your Jeep instead of just reading what other people have to say on the internet. :rolleyes2:

Really? With all the reading you do on the interent, I would have thought that you of all people would have known as much and steered clear of it. Not as if there aren't a lot of people who haven't been complaining about it openly. How about you post up a pic of your Jeep with this installed so that others web-wheelers can see what you're talking about. :thumb:

Easy there Evo fan boy. You don't know who you are talking to..........................
Easy there Evo fan boy. You don't know who you are talking to..........................

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