Shipping Cost is NOT Something I Have Any Control Over


Staff member
Yesterday evening, I got the following email from a Jeeper named Bill...
From: Bill P <>
Sent: Friday, September 3, 2021 4:19 PM
To: store
Subject: CB Bar

I had made up my mind to just go ahead and order your CB Bar to hang my radio and switch unit. Price is up there for what it is but so be it, then I got to the shipping at over $21 and I just said no. I will make my own setup far cheaper. Hope you accept the feedback, if not, good luck on your ventures.

Bill (AZLugz)
And, I just wanted to say that I really am sorry that I haven't been able to keep the price point of my CB BAR lower than it is right now. Unfortunately, there is a steel shortage and prices literally change every day. It has been extremely frustrating and completely understand why someone on a budget may not choose to buy one.

Having said that, I do need to point out that shipping cost is NOT something I have any control over. Whether you choose to have a CB BAR shipped by UPS or USPS, they are the ones who set their prices and ultimately, who you are paying to have it shipped. I do apologize if you find this to be offensive.
I don’t understand why people say shit like this to small businesses. Do they tell me Amazon that his price is too much on something? I doubt it. Fuck off Bill.
To be fair, I could probably have my CB BAR made in China instead of using local shops to make them. That would probably make them cheaper like a lot of what you can find on Amazon. Either way, I still have no control over shipping.
Yesterday evening, I got the following email from a Jeeper named Bill...

And, I just wanted to say that I really am sorry that I haven't been able to keep the price point of my CB BAR lower than it is right now. Unfortunately, there is a steel shortage and prices literally change every day. It has been extremely frustrating and completely understand why someone on a budget may not choose to buy one.

Having said that, I do need to point out that shipping cost is NOT something I have any control over. Whether you choose to have a CB BAR shipped by UPS or USPS, they are the ones who set their prices and ultimately, who you are paying to have it shipped. I do apologize if you find this to be offensive.
There's also a shortage of trucks and drivers
A huge amount of Americans have no basic understanding of business and economics. The concept of supply, demand, and labor costs are unknown.

If you want proof look at how many individuals support $15-20 wages for menial task jobs or think that you can heavily tax and regulate corporations and that those costs won’t be passed on to the consumer. 🤔
As a business owner I’ve heard it a millions times how about someone can do something cheaper than me.

It makes me wonder why they asked about a product in the first place if they are capable of producing it cheaper.

My response to these people is usually along the lines of- I welcome the competition, build it cheaper than me and lets see how it plays out.
People are dumb, I'm sure he will eventually fail or create a major piece of shit..the new company I started working for makes most things here in the US but some things shipped from overseas. The last order they placed cost 21k to ship the containers, usually it's 3-4k, not sure how people arent seeing the inflation in every aspect of life right now. Chances are he probably voted for this
As a business owner I’ve heard it a millions times how about someone can do something cheaper than me.

It makes me wonder why they asked about a product in the first place if they are capable of producing it cheaper.

My response to these people is usually along the lines of- I welcome the competition, build it cheaper than me and lets see how it plays out.
Exactly! If someone can do it cheaper, then they need to stop bitching about it and make their own! And there's a big difference between making ONE for yourself (spending maybe an entire weekend) vs mass production and still being profitable after supplies, taxes, labor, shipping, etc. The critics are clueless.
I was having this discussion with my brother in law. He is working on his MBA currently. It's amazing how Amazon single handedly changed the retail business model. Not to mention all the things listed above.

About 9 years ago a local bar was interviewed about a proposed minimum wage increase. The owner said they'd close if the minimum wage was increased to $15 hr because it would be extremely hard to simply do business. The idiots that commented on this were priceless. I still remember one commenter said "I support the minimum wage increase because working my fast food job doesn't allow me to have any spending money after I pay my bills." It demonstrated she has no clue as to how the world works. Want more money get a better job or work another job.
I just purchased the CB radio bar. I thought the price was ok. Now knowing it is made in the USA I am happy with the price. Thank you for making it in the USA!
Then the shipping charge. $34.09 I was like wow. 1st thought was not Eddie is ripping me off. Shipping is UP for EVERYONE! Also isn't an oversize package at a higher rate?
Either way I am a happy Wayalife camper!
Now I am trying to figure out a CB radio to get and a scanner to get. What a nightmare.
I purchased the CB Bar a couple of weeks ago. I don't have access to a super garage with loads of different tools, so buying the CB Bar made more sense than trying to manufacture something that is readily available. The cost of shipping was not outrageous to me. Years ago, wanted to ship something back that I purchased for my my Ford Ranger. It was going to cost me over $150 to return what cost $15 to get.
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