Service disappointment

Sad but not surprising, think we all have a story or ten on this topic. I find a equal balance of leading with facts, do your homework, be polite but firm usually works. Always and I mean always INSPECT their work.

I had a oil change done at the dealer, when I got home noted oil driping from my finger tight oil drain bolt.

Back to the dealer, and advisor told me it was a good thing I caught that. I asked why it was not touqred to spec. Advisor said no spec, just "good and tight".....I said let's start with that.

I still managed to keep cool, not sure how.....

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What was the reasoning, mods? I’m still stock I can’t see them having a valid excuse for doing that. Things would take a drastic change of course if they did that. Now you’ve got me worried lol

Had a cracked exhaust manifold. Dealership said it was due to the lift I was running. I could have laughed that off but didn't like the way they kept dropping the ball and never called me. I said as much on the survey and they flagged me out of retribution. You can read about my experience here:
Hate to say it, but warranties are like insurance. The provider is motivated to figure out ways to disclaim coverage, and we’re pretty much powerless to do anything about it.
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Had a cracked exhaust manifold. Dealership said it was due to the lift I was running. I could have laughed that off but didn't like the way they kept dropping the ball and never called me. I said as much on the survey and they flagged me out of retribution. You can read about my experience here:

Totally insane. At least there was positive end notes to both stories you wrote about. I was starting to get anxiety with the original one, right about where she hung up on you. That would have caused the vein in my forehead explode.

Glad it all worked out in your favor and you kept the Jeep love flowing through today.
As a mechanic of 42 years I’ve ha an opportunity to work both the American made and the Asian made. My observation is this.... the Americans seem to see the warranty as cost cutting measure by all of the denials and the Asian mentality is to honour just about anything as a means of retaining/ building customer loyalty.

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As a mechanic of 42 years I’ve ha an opportunity to work both the American made and the Asian made. My observation is this.... the Americans seem to see the warranty as cost cutting measure by all of the denials and the Asian mentality is to honour just about anything as a means of retaining/ building customer loyalty.

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We may be frugal but that does not make us "bad".
The one and only time I brought my 2010 JKU to the dealership was for the first oil change because it was free.... well that turned out to be a mistake! After the oil change I went out for a weekend of off-roading in the desert, "very dusty". I then washed my Jeep and opened the hood to check to make sure everything was good. I found that I was missing my oil cap! There was dirt stuck to the area around the surface of the opening and some inside the valve cover.

I took my Jeep back to the dealership and spoke to a service manager, he told me, "looks like you left your cap off.". He wanted me to pay for another cap and he suggested that I get another oil change in case any dirt got inside the Motor. I tried telling him that I didn't have anything to do with removing the cap and that the person who did the service was responsible for this. It wasn't until I spoke with someone who was higher up in the dealership did I get it resolved.

They ended up giving me another oil change with full synthetic oil and a new cap. Funny thing is I later found the cap in the battery tray a couple years later when I went to change out my battery! I always thought the technician just left it on his work bench. I have always done all my services to my Jeep myself. Right now I have four recalls on my Jeep and I'm going to have to take it to the dealership for them but I just don't want anymore problems! My biggest concern is that I'm going to get my Jeep back and I'm going to have all kinds of new issues!

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When I had my 94 Ram (only new vehicle I've ever purchased) I figured the dealer would be the best place to go for a brake job and transmission service. They put the rear brake shoes in backwards and didn't refill the trans fluid. I haven't been back to a dealer since.

I have 3 recalls to get done on 2 vehicles... I almost think the problems the recalls are supposed to address are better than what might happen if a dealer touches my vehicles.

Build Thread - Adventures of Fiona -
When I had my 94 Ram (only new vehicle I've ever purchased) I figured the dealer would be the best place to go for a brake job and transmission service. They put the rear brake shoes in backwards and didn't refill the trans fluid. I haven't been back to a dealer since.

I have 3 recalls to get done on 2 vehicles... I almost think the problems the recalls are supposed to address are better than what might happen if a dealer touches my vehicles.

Build Thread - Adventures of Fiona -
If it wasn't for the recalls being for the airbags, I probably wouldn't take it in but I have my kids riding with me in my Jeep and I just can't take the chance of them exploding or something!

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it's tough one, I've been at a dealership for 20 years and I see bullshit from both sides. Everybody thinks everything should be warranty.
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Spent 25 years at dealership level. From lot boy to General Manager. During my 8 years as Service Manager, we managed to turn our service department into a substantial money maker. So much so that service was a 100% absorption rate, meaning it covered ALL expenses for the entire dealership. Leaving sales and body shop as pure profit. Almost unheard of. First let me say that yes, clients can be a bag, but I think it was because of their low expectations and were almost ready for a fight when they came in. Technician training became a priority as did honouring all warranty, even if outside the perimeter of the actual warranty. This did initially cost us money as we swallowed a lot of service cost. A funny thing began to happen..... satisfied customers! Sales began to climb as did regular client service. We went from 20% to 60% customer pay repair order invoices in 5 years. We were writing and average of 90 repair orders a day. With only about 20% warranty and 20% sales. The manufacturer was delighted and began to pay us retail prices for warranty work. We became the largest ( in volume) dealer for that brand in Canada. Sure, not all because of service but it did help. Bottom line..... give the client what they want and it will be a license to print money.

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That's the stealership for ya. Very few that give you any reason to respect them. Actually just found a Chevy dealership here while looking for a tool changing my buddies water pump. The service manage actually lent me the tool for as long as I needed. Restored a little faith in me. They get all my business now in that department

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When I was a dealer service manager it was common to change a bulb for N/C even after warranty,and no question during warranty, sounds like they don’t know what Warranty means , I still go to my dealer now and stuff done for N/C

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Love the whole stealership line. I’m dealing with a few of those now. Seems it’s their mission to deny as much warranty as possible. I feel your pain.

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