Scorpicon Build Thread

I initially thought white as well but am tossing around the idea of silver which will at least match the jeep emblem and reflective silver in the lights :idontknow:

...and that's a big negative on the red! Too flashy for me...I want it to be as smooth and blended with my build as possible. I would do black but its not an option. The other colors clash or are too flashy so it'll have to be silver or white.
Silver will look great. White will be out of place IMHO. I ran silver also with my rescue green JK back in the day seems to go with everything.... Red on the other hand, not so much.... :cheesy:
So going to buy a Wayalife windshield banner tonight and cant decide the color to pick. I was holding out on buying one for a year and hoping for a Dune option but that never came to fruition EDDIE! (jk ;) ....but seriously!)

So what do you guys think would look better...white or silver?

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Haha, I was in the exact same dilemma as you as far as making a decision. (Ordered white and red to see which I like better with Anvil). I think silver would be a solid choice to go with dune.
Buy Red, yellow and green and make a Rastafarian sticker.

Scratch that, think I might do that myself. :yup:
Actually pink is an option! But non-the-less I think the red looks great on your silver! :thumb:

What??? It wasn't when I got the red one about 3-4 weeks ago. Damn. Looks like I'll need to spend another $10. 😂😂

Maybe I'll see if the red grows on me. Lol.

- Jason
Kinda random, but did anyone else go to Coachella? My lady is down there now...but I wish I were free for stagecoach in 3 weeks!

cant wait to see it all FINALLY bolted up chris! did you ever finish the install of your genright carrier? i dont think i saw a pic of it done
Yeah I installed it but, as I'm looking through my pictures, I just realized that I didn't take a picture of it finished.

I'm planning on staying as low as possible.... hopefully around 3.5".
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