Scorpicon Build Thread

Congrats Chris! I can tell you what the next 18 years is going to be like but I will spare you the...:crazyeyes: :cheesy:

Welcome to the new WAYALIFE!
Congrats Chris! I can tell you what the next 18 years is going to be like but I will spare you the...:crazyeyes: :cheesy:

Welcome to the new WAYALIFE!

Gonna let that mystery reveal itself huh? :cheesy:

The crazy part is...she went of birth control 6 weeks ago...I thought it would take at least two or three cycles for it to happen...nope just the first time! :crazyeyes:
Congrats Chris. Nothing better than being a new dad. Except for sleep, quite and money.

Just kidding. Such small sacrifices for the best reward ever.

Although not a total Jeep build thread, it wound up being a cool read. Congrats on the many things accomplished in this thread.
Although not a total Jeep build thread, it wound up being a cool read. Congrats on the many things accomplished in this thread.

lol this truly has turned into my BS/life thread. I hate putting my personal info on Facebook (though my wife is a nut and posts every detail of our lives....but I won't rant about that right now) so this is my social media of sorts.

Between working full time in Cali and part time in Ohio and renovating 3 properties by myself....I've had no life over the past 4 months and haven't spent nearly enough time BSing on here like I used to. BUT that's all about to change! Kim and I have met our tier 2 financial goal and are now able to quit working in Cali all together! A couple days ago we sold our first home(part of tier 1 goals). This is of the new owner taking her away!


For the first time in 5 years, we will be full time Ohio only residents, at the end of this month. Tier 3 here we come!
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