SAFTEY GLASSES - When Do You Wear Them?

When do you wear safety glasses?

  • ALWAYS - All day and night and even in my sleep. You can never be too safe!

    Votes: 2 4.4%
  • Whenever I'm working on my Jeep and regardless of what I'm doing, just to be safe.

    Votes: 4 8.9%
  • Whenever I use ANY tool that is powered.

    Votes: 4 8.9%
  • Just when I'm drilling, grinding, cutting, sanding or anything that might throw something in my eyes

    Votes: 33 73.3%
  • NEVER - People actually wear those things?

    Votes: 2 4.4%

  • Total voters
I have a pair that I’ll wear whenever there may be tiny projectiles… But an impact gun? Nahhh, I mean I’ll throw my Ray Bans on if I’m working on the Jeep when it’s a beautiful day outside 🤷‍♂️😎
I do not wear safety glasses when using an impact wrench. I should probably start though, now that you mention it…

My grandpa worked at General Dynamics Fall River Shipyard building Trident submarines...he had a metal sliver removed from his eye and had it stitched...liquid cocaine and he wore a small paper cup taped over his eye for a few days...

That’s intense.
I’ve had metal in my eye a few times from grinding. Even with a face shield and safety glasses.

Usually from grinding out of position.

A couple times, it worked itself out.
One time I went to the ER and they tried to pick it out for an hour.

Thing is with grinding steel, the pieces are hot and kinda melt to your eye.

I had to go back a few days later and have a specialist cut out the little bit of eye that the steel was fused into.
I've had metal removed from my eye and that eye has never been quite right since.

Still, I used the squint and slightly turn head safety method for too long afterwards.

These days, I keep safety glasses in each vehicle and in the tool bag, but I find myself using my readers since they are always with me, and my eyes are fucked when I'm working close up.

I looked into prescription safety glasses for better eye protection but they more than I was willing to spend, so I bought a face shield to wear over my glasses when grinding, cutting etc... and crawling under the jeep where I'm likely to get more small pieces flying about.

Wearing the face shield turned out to be head protection as well, the mask keeps me from raising my head too high when under the Jeep LOL
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Face shield when grinding for me. I've had too many times where that debris gets past the safety glasses.

I wear glasses when spraying solvents. I was rebuilding a wheel cylinder once and sprayed it into the main hole and it came out the bleeder hole right into my eye. Extremely painful.

And glasses any time dirt may fall into my eyes.
I always have a pair of sunglasses with me. If I’m grinding or drilling I normally throw those on just in case. I’ve have a scratched cornea a few times as well from not wearing them as I should.
I only wear safety glasses or sun glasses like all you when drilling, cutting, weed eating etc. Never thought about when under the Jeep. I just deal with the dirt in my eyes. lol
Every time I use a drill or grinder and pretty much any power tool of course but yeah even doing oil change and other mundane stuff under the vehicles. Just don’t need dirt or any other stuff going in my eyes.
Like most, I have to wear them full time at work and they buy me a new pair of prescription clear and safety sunglasses each year so I’ve got several pairs floating around. But I didn’t wear them outside of work until about 10 years ago when I was weedeating in flip flops and regular eye glasses and had a small stick impale itself into my eyelid at the corner of my eye. 1/4” over and I would have lost my eye.

Ever since then I wear my safety glasses whenever I’m doing anything with the potential for flying/falling objects. Hammering, cutting tree limbs, pressure washing, mountain bike riding, and all the examples everyone else mentioned.

In the words of Vivian on Pretty Woman “I’m a safety girl!”
Since I had to start wearing bifocals I moved to a face shield. My coworker tried to get me to switch years ago. He was right; It is so nice not having stuff hit my face!
Besides when I am cutting, grinding, etc., I also wear the shield whenever I am working under my vehicle. It works great for keeping the sand and grease off of my face and out of my eyes.
I constantly wear glasses to see and because of my chosen career, get them with approved safety lenses. All my eye glasses get pitted, scratched and gouged. I don't want to think what injuries my eyes would suffer without them.

I would not run an impact wrench or other power tools without safety glasses and step up to goggles or a face shield when grinding. Not because I'm wise. Because I learned through hard experience.
I would totally do something like this if I weren't asian. Unfortunately, MOST glasses/sunglasses/safety glasses don't fit for shit when you have high cheek bones and a nose with a low bridge. Typically, most glasses just sit on my cheek bones and float above my nose and are useless that way. It is a major reason why I typically wear Oakley and because they make 'asian fit' eyewear.
So, randomly I was looking at Maui Jim’s website today as a style caught my eye. Anyways, was messing with filters and they have an “Asian fit” option. I remembered reading this ^ and thought I’d share in case you didn’t know. MJs are a little pricey, but I love my one pair and recently got a pair for Amy and she loves hers. Not sure what might be avail with AF, but might be worth a look if you didn’t know already. 😎
Jeep work, yard work, work-work and wood work. Made it a point to wear them consistently after my second visit to doc for emergency eye work.
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