So, on a very very regular basis, I get guys posting up on our YouTube channel bitching about manufacturers who include SAE bolts with the parts they make and being that modern Jeeps are made entirely with metric bolts. Below is an example of what I'm talking about.

And, I just have to ask, is it really that big of a deal? And, I ask with all sincerity being that my response to this guy was "damaging to my brand", am I wrong about all this and should I be getting my panties in a twist over imperial bolts on a metric Jeep? What say you?

And, I just have to ask, is it really that big of a deal? And, I ask with all sincerity being that my response to this guy was "damaging to my brand", am I wrong about all this and should I be getting my panties in a twist over imperial bolts on a metric Jeep? What say you?