Rubber vents in the undercarriage


New member
Wondering if anyone is familiar with these vents(I think that’s what they’re called) which are located In between the oil pan and transmission.
both vents have a build up of fluid/precipitation . Not sure if it’s motor oil or transmission but the vent plugs are wet to the touch and NOT dry. Wondering if that’s normal.
Not seeing any dripping or pooling on the floor. IMG_5412.jpgIMG_5413.jpgIMG_5414.jpgIMG_5415.jpg

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Mine has done this since almost new. Mine is engine oil, I suspect rear main seal. It just weeps, I wont dig into it to replace until it really starts leaking.


be careful not to confuse this with the dreaded oil cooler leak. I had this fail as well at 80k. This will manifest as a leak down the outside of the bellhousing, usually collecting on the tranny pan and transfer case.
Wet vents

Mine has done this since almost new. Mine is engine oil, I suspect rear main seal. It just weeps, I wont dig into it to replace until it really starts leaking.


be careful not to confuse this with the dreaded oil cooler leak. I had this fail as well at 80k. This will manifest as a leak down the outside of the bellhousing, usually collecting on the tranny pan and transfer case.

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Clearly your jeep has suffered from alien abduction...they like to experiment on us, you know...
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