Roof Rack + Snorkel = Overland?

This thread is great!
It's been a year, and I still remember when I found it and read it all the way through.

I was thinking about it a while back and wondering when it would reappear.
LOL - just got the following posted on our recent YouTube video. I guess I need to add Roof Top Tent to the title. :crazyeyes:

I love it how everything needs to have it's own proper label now. :rolleyes2: It's one of the main reasons I shun organized events. Too many posers running around
showing off all of their accessories and doodads.
And think, just the other day when the snorkel arrived, I questioned how long it would take for this thread to resurface.

Last year I read it from the beginning, it is a lot of fun.
These Infirmary threads are hilarious to browse through. Easy to get sucked into them and the next thing you know, an hours gone :crazyeyes:
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