So we go to name calling,like I said High School again and where did I put down WAL, I still say this is the group to be with and have fun. Overlander I didn't say word about you. Just check out the pics I talked about then make you call. As far as the Videos go I didn't read all the credits, I assumed, sorry but that still doesn't call for the name calling, really! I was looking for a good group to hang and learn from but the response doesn't look that way. all I was saying a snorkel and rack doesn't mean finger pointing and ridicule. And if I don't agree with you I am a (take your pick). Seeing people in the vids it seems like the best group you could go with but what I am getting here, not so much...
So we go to name calling,like I said High School again and where did I put down WAL, I still say this is the group to be with and have fun. Overlander I didn't say word about you. Just check out the pics I talked about then make you call.
As far as the Videos go I didn't read all the credits, I assumed, sorry but that still doesn't call for the name calling, really!
I was looking for a good group to hang and learn from but the response doesn't look that way. all I was saying a snorkel and rack doesn't mean finger pointing and ridicule. And if I don't agree with you I am a (take your pick). Seeing people in the vids it seems like the best group you could go with but what I am getting here, not so much...
Dude, did you not read a single word I posted. Overlander calls everyone a retard at some point. Maybe even a fucking idiot if you should be so lucky. Does it really bother what he thinks of you? Do you even know the guy yet? Shit, he's called me worse when I'm standing in front of him. And we are almost friends.![]()
This is what I mean by folks not having fun here. It is user error if you can enjoy WAL. That goes for all aspects. From poking fun to getting poked fun at.
For what it is worth, I always love what this thread brings out of people. 1402 posts later. LOL.
I think Tombstone needs to calm down and have a biscuit.![]()
....just meant that the Overland is a term that shouldn't be a put down.........
Overland is a term that shouldn't be a put down.
I think Tombstone needs to calm down and have a biscuit.![]()
Eddie I don't know everyone's name sorry, I was going through a lot of the back pics and videos, and that's were I saw them.
Was I putting you down, NO
..was just meant that the Overland is a term that shouldn't be a put down.
Even if the definition is not clear...And why are you calling me names if you don't know me..
Sorry to all I have offended and I will keep my opinions to myself.........
Are you serious. Who cares. All of us here are "overlanders!" Unless you are a fucking fish.
The prick part just makes it sound better :yup:
Who put down the word 'Overland' ?!??!?!?!?! WTF are you talking about??? No one here gives a shit about that word.
Only OverlanderJK is the true Overlander here. I mean if it's in his name it must be true and only he is worthy. Lol.
I give a care about that word as there likely wouldn't be a GP without it. Willys-Overland ring a bell. But I do have a roof rack and a snorkel so ....
Sorry Sarah, what is a GP? :thinking:
Regardless, overlander is a WORD.