rock krawler 3 link

Well I'll get jumped on but here what I've gleaned from reading many posts on other Forums..

To the gentleman in the 2 door experiencing Torque steer, what sway bars do you have? If you do not have an OEM front on the street and a Currie HD bar on the rear, you will probably experience some torque steer. I have a 1" Currie rear with a Swayloc in the front and love it on and off-road. NO Torque steer.

I would bring up the fact that JP magazine and many others stated the Independent 3 Link with Track Bar was the best suspension design ever created for Wranglers.

Which "many others" said this? I agree you need to be prepared on the rocks but man it took three jeeps, two welders, some above average Evo mechanics to fix the weld that was mentioned. That's hard to prepare for.
Well I'll get jumped on but here what I've gleaned from reading many posts on other Forums..

Well, you're the one who said it, you glean a lot of what you profess to know from reading many posts on other forums. I don't know if I've ever seen or heard of you talking about wheeling your Jeep once. Just sayin....

To the gentleman in the 2 door experiencing Torque steer, what sway bars do you have? If you do not have an OEM front on the street and a Currie HD bar on the rear, you will probably experience some torque steer. I have a 1" Currie rear with a Swayloc in the front and love it on and off-road. NO Torque steer.

The SwayLOC is a great system when it's working. I've had one on my TJ before but kept on breaking the arms. As far as the rear goes, nothing wrong with an Anti-Rock if you want a stiffer sway bar there. I love Currie products but just haven't seen the need to spend upwards of $500 for something I haven't seen a real need for. But hey, if you read many posts on other forums that praise it, it must be something you need.

I would bring up the fact that JP magazine and many others stated the Independent 3 Link with Track Bar was the best suspension design ever created for Wranglers.

Well, if you read that in JP Magazine, it must be true. :yup:

All Ultra 4 rigs with steering boxes use them exclusively, even some without, like Shannon Cambell. Suspension without natural binding points is the smoothest on the road as well as the best off-road.

EVO 1 doesn't. Of course, EVO 1 weighs a ton more than most Ultra 4 race buggies, even those with solid axles. As far as Shannon Cambell goes, I saw him out in Congress, AZ and could have sworn he was running IFS and a triangulated 4-link in the rear. But, maybe I saw that wrong. Guess I should do some more reading on many other forums to get the facts straight.

If someone is looking for systems with the most available articulation possible, check out the new Off-Road Pro Systems by RK. Double Johnny Jointed arms like EVO are limited to +/- 30 degrees per arm. The Off-Road Pro Systems are limited to +/- 60 degrees per arm!

Clearly, this is something you read about on one of the many forums you like to visit as the most Rock Krawler is willing to say about it is that "More Info Coming Soon". Not that it even matters, flex will STILL BE LIMITED to the length of your shock or limiting strap. Maybe you missed it in all the reading that you've been doing on the many forums you like to visit but, even if you could run longer shocks, there would be no point to it as you would just have to limit your droop with straps.

Weld's braking on 1 JK doesn't condemn all welds. Shit happens and if that concern is a issue for you then be prepared as if you wheel in the rocks suspension components will fail.

The welds broke on the one JK I saw. Granted, it's not a JK but, I have broken a tri-link mount on my TJ and have seen many other cases of this happening in the past. It is my actual experience as opposed to what I read on many other forums that keeps me away from some things that seem like really good ideas. But hey, that's just me.

Yes I like RK and run their 3 link. I choose them after reading many forum's and the owners of JKU's that have ran many different suspension systems.

If you like Rock Krawler and their 3-link, don't let me stand in your way of running them. Certainly, it's your Jeep and you should build it up however you see fit. Of course, if you've read many other forum that say it's good stuff, it must be true. :thumb:

I likely will upgrade to their new Desert kit along with Prorocks this spring after sorting out the LS swap.

Cool! Maybe I'll read about how well it works for you on the forum. :yup:
Ive got all the info i need to make my decision after calling manufacturers and reading peoples opinions i have the answers thanks for all the strong stated opinions guys :rock:
Ive got all the info i need to make my decision after calling manufacturers and reading peoples opinions i have the answers thanks for all the strong stated opinions guys :rock:

:cheesy: Guess you don't have any numbers for me to toss into a calculator, eh? I'm sure you'll be happy with whatever you get. Enjoy :yup:
Well guys, remember if it's on the internet it must be true!

Sorry, I just had to say it!

Now in seriousness, what is best for one person may not be best for everyone. I have found that no manufacturers products are perfect for my use or anyone whom I have helped. I find some things work well for certain uses while another product excels in other situations. I do try to only give factual information based on my own research and observations. I've been in this sport for 20+ years and am learning more everyday. I think that Eddie gives some great info and is very passionate about what he likes and doesn't like. Maybe sometimes he gets caught up in that passion and comes across as biased or forgets that not everyone uses things exactly the same. I respect his opinions while also tempering them with my own. I appreciate this forum that he has given us to have these discussions!

Back to the original subject: Ive used various 4 link calculators for probably 15 years now and while they are a great tool, they are still just a tool. Often times perfect design is limited by the various constraints of the vehicle, the way it is to be used, and many other factors. Plus, what do all those numbers mean? There needs to be an understanding of how each factor actually affects the vehicle. Some manufacturers seem to have a grasp on this and some don't. Those of us that create our own stuff fall into that discussion as well. Personally I build and modify a lot of stuff. Sometimes the fun is in doing the research and design work yourself, and having to make a best guess and accepting that you might have to change it later is just fine!

I hope we have all been informative to the OP and our experiences have helped him in his quest. Good luck, and if you need info I hope you will ask here again.
Berzerker said:
Eddie is a French model.

Oui oui :crazyeyes: :D

Wait wait wait: are you telling me that Eddie has been manipulating us this whole time? My opinion has not been my own? What secret squirrel iterweb master manipulator school did you attend? Was it CIA, NSA, or DHS? 2007 JKU figured out the conspiracy. He is the savior of all jeepdom!

{que the reverberating voice} Bow to my zone of influence!! You must agree with everything I say!!
Did it work? :crazyeyes:

Well guys, remember if it's on the internet it must be true!

BONJOUR!! :standing wave:

I think that Eddie gives some great info and is very passionate about what he likes and doesn't like. Maybe sometimes he gets caught up in that passion and comes across as biased or forgets that not everyone uses things exactly the same.

Well of course I'm passionate about what I like and make no apologies that I don't give a hoot if everyone doesn't use things exactly the same way. All I am doing is sharing what I know, what have experienced and what I have seen. If I assume anything, it's that people are smart enough to take what I have to say for what it is and come to their own conclusions. I find it arrogant and condescending that anyone would think otherwise.

Back to the original subject: Ive used various 4 link calculators for probably 15 years now and while they are a great tool, they are still just a tool. Often times perfect design is limited by the various constraints of the vehicle, the way it is to be used, and many other factors. Plus, what do all those numbers mean? There needs to be an understanding of how each factor actually affects the vehicle. Some manufacturers seem to have a grasp on this and some don't. Those of us that create our own stuff fall into that discussion as well. Personally I build and modify a lot of stuff. Sometimes the fun is in doing the research and design work yourself, and having to make a best guess and accepting that you might have to change it later is just fine!

Exactly. As I always like to say, ride quality and comfort is 100% subjective. To suggest that you can pop numbers into a calculator and come up with a perfect design is something an engineer would say. You just cannot beat real world experience and seat of the pants testing.

I hope we have all been informative to the OP and our experiences have helped him in his quest. Good luck, and if you need info I hope you will ask here again.

You can hope but I wouldn't hold your breath. It seemed to me that he had his mind made up even before he started this post. But, of course, that's just me going off of what I have seen happen so many times before. Of course, I could be wrong. :crazyeyes:
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