Was reading klungly thread on his CJ buggy build and I mentioned time and cost of build so... here is the breakdown of the revival of this old rig
$2300. New Gauge install fix leaks. Alignment.
$200. WildHorses. Trac bar bracket
$280. HD TR/DL ruff stuff
$200. AutoZone starter. Fuel line,
$970. GenRight tube fenders
$200. Hood
$40. Plastidip
$220. Wiper motor-
$400. LED headlights
$45. Horizon glass
$45. Visors
$25. Rear view mirror
$160. Front panel express
$455. New vintage.
$25. Headlight retainers
$35. Solenoid repair
$20. Window rollers
$110. Radiator flush
$150. Water pump
$75. Header wrap
$175. Fans w/shroud
$315. Ignition.
$75. Drag link ruff stuff
$105. Wiper linkage
$25. Plugs and plastic interior
$.330. ignition install
$200. Safari top
$50. Starter
$300. Radiator Express
$35. AutoZone. Brass and coolant
$75. JB radiatior rebuild
$3300. Engine rebuild
$4000. Paint
$120. Spray paint for roll bar-bumper
$600 paint
$755. Stereo
$16,210. Total repairs and upgrades
+ $8000 purchase
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