
Bingo. Some guy in Germany did that once too I think.

He used the police to take over not the other way round.

I'm not a LEO but I've been with the state police here for 7yrs and yes some of them are assholes but if you treat them all like assholes you're gonna have a bad day.
"I always turn my camera on"
"I have several family members in law enforcement and most of them are great people" 🤔
"the government uses our local PD a pawns in their political agenda"
"the federal government is using this BLM movement to create a divide in our communities"
"The president along with the federal government wants civilians and LEO's to be divided so they can step in and take over"
"I really wish America would wake up and see that your local PD is the LAST thing stopping the Feds from taking over your city".

It must be exhausting living with that amount of paranoia!
Respect is earned, not given automatically because someone wears a badge or holds an office.

I'd use common courtesy as a rule rather than saying someone has to respect a badge or robe wearer.
Respect is earned, not given automatically because someone wears a badge or holds an office.

I'd use common courtesy as a rule rather than saying someone has to respect a badge or robe wearer.

They've earned the respect by earning the badge and the robe
They've earned the respect by earning the badge and the robe

That s your take on things and that's cool. I just don't think that some people deserve the respect they think they are entitled to because of their position of authority. I'll give the common courtesy of acting like a human and not a savage and see what happens next. I'm not going to cow down to someone because they have a piece of tin on their chest. No need to act an ass but certainly not boot licking either.
That s your take on things and that's cool. I just don't think that some people deserve the respect they think they are entitled to because of their position of authority. I'll give the common courtesy of acting like a human and not a savage and see what happens next. I'm not going to cow down to someone because they have a piece of tin on their chest. No need to act an ass but certainly not boot licking either.

We're probably saying the same thing two different ways. I see what you're saying. I just don't appreciate it when people start out their interaction with a police officer with an attitude of disrespect. Be kind, say yes sir/mam, and see where it goes from there. Even if the cop does end up being a jerk, kindness and respect in the face of the opposite is very disarming.
We're probably saying the same thing two different ways. I see what you're saying. I just don't appreciate it when people start out their interaction with a police officer with an attitude of disrespect. Be kind, say yes sir/mam, and see where it goes from there. Even if the cop does end up being a jerk, kindness and respect in the face of the opposite is very disarming.

I think we're on the same page. :thumb:
"I'll give the common courtesy of acting like a human and not a savage and see what happens next"

Maybe just be a human being and then you don't have to act?

I guess this thread has really drawn a preverbal line in the sand.
My one negative encounter.
I have been stopped by the police many, many times. Twice before I was even licensed to drive. By "many, many" I mean probably more than thirty. Including twice in Puerto Rico, never did pay those tickets, and once in Japan (I was on foot and they couldn't catch me). At this time, let me define 'stopped', as an interaction with a police officer that was initiated by the officer. Either for my behavior, or the behavior of those I was with. Only One of those was actually negative, and I was partly at fault for that. This was probably around police interaction number 26 or so.
While walking with my friend to a party store for smokes, probably around 2200 or so, a marked car goes by, slowed down, then stopped for a second. It then made a u-turn and pulled up on us. As they were slowing down to stop my friend and I both jokingly asked each other "what'd you do now?"
There was 2 cops inside, windows down, they asked us to stop. We stood there for a few seconds, when the driver cop leaned forward, looked at me and asked "what was your name again?". Now, allow me to preface this digression with some history.
We lived just outside a Gang Injunction area, and my neighborhood would not be described as a good one. It was called the "Blue Ghetto" and I lived there with my family for over ten years. The police were in there all the time, so much so, that I had come to know many officers in our department by name. These two officers, I did not recognize. Back in 'those' days, I was what some people called abrasive or aggressive (read asshole). I did not like B.S. and had a quick reaction to stupidity.
I had never met either of these two officers before, so being asked for my name "again", I found very insulting, and thought I smelled B.S. I said, "I'm sorry, we've never met". I stood up, and Ryan and I began to continue our walk to the party store. We got about three steps when I heard "Driver Officer" slam it in park and his door opens. We stopped walking. He says "what Is your name?". I tell him "Bruce". He asked for my last name. "Willis", I lied. (For those who do not know me, I do not use my name on the Internet if i can help it (Sorry Bruce, love your movies) . I avoid use of all actual proper names to protect the innocent / guilty. Hence, "Ryan's" real name is not Ryan.
Driver officer smelled my B.S., and asked for my ID. I said something to the effect of I did not believe I needed to provide it for walking down the street. And asked "why do you need to see my ID?" He steps toward me and said I fit the description of somebody they are looking for.
Ok, another digression. My appearance; I have on a fedora style top hat, think Slash or Clint Eastwood, an OD Green military Trench coat (WWII era), H&H Harness Boots, and beautiful long Grey hair that I could tuck into my belt line. Yes, the hair was real, and I still have everything except the hair.
Now, I know I smell B.S. But I, (we) also come to understand that this officer is getting tired of my playing around. I inform him my wallet is in my back pants pocket, and could i get it for him? He says yes, "but turn and face that way", which I do. He reads my name, and asks if I know that "lying to the police is against the law, and punishable by, . . ?" I said yes, and asked if the "search" they are conducting will be in the police blotter in the morning? I could feel him staring at the back of my head and wishing he could smack me like I deserved.
He asks Ryan for his name, Ryan tells him. Ryan's smart.
He says, "here" handing my my ID. I turn around, slowly. Look over at Ryan, look to the cop. Look over at Ryan, look back at the cop again. He's staring at me the whole time. Silence is a tool.
He simply turned around, got in, and drove off without another word.
Now, were they truly looking for someone fitting my description? I highly doubt it. Was there an entry in the blotter? I never checked, but I doubt that too. Passenger officer never said as much as a word. Was this a training exercise? Maybe.
Did I need to be a jackass? No, but I was.
Chances are great, that if I had simply answered his question the first time, they would have went on their way and left us alone. We had done nothing to gain attention ( or against the law).

God Bless

So much funny in this thread. I laugh every time I read about someone saying they "know the law". No law is black and white, ever. Laws do not exist in a vacuum; they must be applied in the context of particular facts. Facts are never, ever, identical across two different situations.

There is one simple rule that will work in most any situation, regardless of who you are and what you do: Don't be a douche.

Those of you who think there is some grand federal conspiracy designed to make our country implode, I suggest you get off the internet and actually go get involved in the real political process. Maybe then you will understand the absurdity of your claims.

I wonder how many of you have ever helped write a law, or have testified in front of a political body in support or in opposition to a bill.

How many of you actually get involved at the local level? Do you take the time out of your lives to actually personally interview local candidates? Do you show up at city council meetings and voice your opinion? Do you follow state legislative sessions to see what your government is doing?

It's so easy to sit back and complain, point the finger, and build foil hats. From where I sit, if you don't take the time to truly be should just shut the fuck up and say thank you to those people out there who do.

Does the government get it right all of the time? Not even close! But don't complain if you aren't willing to actually get involved and make things better.

This country has allowed the media to so polarize the population that we seem to have lost sight of the fact that we are all in this together.

...I will now step off my soapbox.

Edit: one more thing. I am far more afraid of the uneducated, paranoid, uninvolved sheeple in our society than I am of our federal government.
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So much dumb in this thread. Starts off great, OP is positive. Then it turns in to "one time a cop......"

Reminds me of the "don't roll down your window" or "don't talk to to the cops thread. Ahh the Internet.
So much dumb in this thread. Starts off great, OP is positive. Then it turns in to "one time a cop......"

Reminds me of the "don't roll down your window" or "don't talk to to the cops thread. Ahh the Internet.

yeah, we should have all agreed with the OP and left it as a kumbaya thread...
Sorry, not sure how to properly quote multiple posts.

Edit: one more thing. I am far more afraid of the uneducated, paranoid, uninvolved sheeple in our society than I am of our federal government."
^^this^^. But I agree with everything else you said as well. People need to get involved, and informed.

Frank, thank you sir. This post was supposed to be positive.

"Am I the only one that tells a police officer thanks after he gives me a ticket?"

--No sir, I do this also. I don't think this is considered "boot licking". Just respect.

I concur.

And just to be clear, in my "this one time" story above I was trying to reinforce the benefits of being respectful and positive. Not an abrasive , aggressive Jackass (like I was).

Stay classy.
God Bless you guys.
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