

New member
My parents taught me respect. I was taught this from an early age. I also learned respect from family, friends and neighbors. I grew up in a small farming town, where little goes un-noticed or un-discussed. I also learned respect in school. I learned an all new appreciation for respect in boot camp and the subsequent 10 years of active duty in the U.S Navy.
So forgive me if this question is naive.
Why is it so difficult for people to be quiet and do as they are told when dealing with a police officer? ( ya know, be respectful ).

If pulled over for some minor traffic offence, the whole interaction should only take a few minutes. Unless you are or have broken some other law. Or, ya know, you give him a bunch of attitude.
A little respect and humility goes a long way.
If 'you' stay calm, the officer will stay calm.
The place and time to complain is Not to the officer on the side of the road. The place and time for that is in court, before the judge. And this place and time definitely requires respect.
If you want to tell an officer something new, try the truth. He will appreciate it, and it will almost always work in your favor.
I recognize B.S when I hear it, and I can only presume an officer of the law would be an expert in identifying B.S. when he hears it. To think otherwise is just, well stupid. So if 'you' choose to B.S. an officer, (ya know, be disrespectful,) the outcome of that interaction is a direct result of your disrespect. I would offer that you own your behavior. But, that takes respect also.
And keep in mind, judges are also experts in bullshit, they hear it all day, every day. If your friends accept your bullshit ( disrespect ), could be they are stupid also. Learn and practice respect, and make some new friends.
Actually, I see Ive answered my own question. It's not difficult at all, and is really quite simple.


Good day and God Bless.
Great post. What brought this up?

I agree though. Basic respect goes a long way. I have respect for most officers as they put up with a lot crap and they stand to protect the community. I have no respect for officers that are purposefully corrupt or take advantage of citizens though. Almost all officers I've dealt with are great people just doing their job.
I feel the same way!!! So many people these days have no respect for law enforcement.

I know I'll always have respect for law enforcement and so will my kids. That's why I don't fear the police.
I happen to be a Deputy Sheriff and completely agree with your post. My department does not have any ticket quotas nor they reward me for taking certain number of people to jail.

Honestly I take only those who have committed a crime against another person and those who deserve to go to jail for being uncooperative after they have committed a crime or a simple infraction. Sometime people just talk themselves into handcuffs.

Everyone these days think they know the law and have no clue what they are talking about. I can only speak for myself respect with any type of encounter on and off duty goes a long way.

When I pull people over I always call them sir and ma'am to start my conversation. This is not because I have to acknowledge people like that but it's to set a certain expected level of respect towards them despite the fact that they did something wrong.

Just food for thought.
Hey W.

I posted this just in light of recent events and in part due to a conversation I recently had.

For me, and I'm sure others here also, it's not just Jeeps I wave to when I'm out and about. Cops, fire dept, forest / park service, all get my "Jeep Wave" ( respect ). Sometimes, I get funny looks, but usually, I get a wave back.

I posted a few days ago in support of law enforcement, maybe I should have just put this on that one as a reply to myself. I don't know.
I forgot to mention, we are here on a form supporting what we have in common, our love for Jeeps. Which when defined broadly, means camping, hiking, rock crawling, mudding, ya know - Jeeping. It has been my experience Jeep people and the Jeep "Wayalife" are good people. Good people always try to make good decisions. Good people are respectful.
- end edit.

And I agree with you in regards to supporting "Law Enforcement". Not breaking the law under the color of authority.

God Bless.

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I happen to be a Deputy Sheriff and completely agree with your post. My department does not have any ticket quotas nor they reward me for taking certain number of people to jail.

Honestly I take only those who have committed a crime against another person and those who deserve to go to jail for being uncooperative after they have committed a crime or a simple infraction. Sometime people just talk themselves into handcuffs.

Everyone these days think they know the law and have no clue what they are talking about. I can only speak for myself respect with any type of encounter on and off duty goes a long way.

When I pull people over I always call them sir and ma'am to start my conversation. This is not because I have to acknowledge people like that but it's to set a certain expected level of respect towards them despite the fact that they did something wrong.

Just food for thought.

Hey W.

I posted this just in light of recent events and in part due to a conversation I recently had.

For me, and I'm sure others here also, it's not just Jeeps I wave to when I'm out and about. Cops, fire dept, forest / park service, all get my "Jeep Wave" ( respect ). Sometimes, I get funny looks, but usually, I get a wave back.

I posted a few days ago in support of law enforcement, maybe I should have just put this on that one as a reply to myself. I don't know.
I forgot to mention, we are here on a form supporting what we have in common, our love for Jeeps. Which when defined broadly, means camping, hiking, rock crawling, mudding, ya know - Jeeping. It has been my experience Jeep people and the Jeep "Wayalife" are good people. Good people always try to make good decisions. Good people are respectful.
- end edit.

And I agree with you in regards to supporting "Law Enforcement". Not breaking the law under the color of authority.

God Bless.


:thumb: :thumb:
Great post.

I grew up with my grandparents (both very missed) basically raising me. They enforced respect my whole life. Not only did they preach it but they also practiced it. The golden rule KMS keep mouth shut and it will take people very far in life. You don't have to be a push over, but you do have to know when to open your mouth and when to close it. I just wish more people had self control I believe that would change a lot in this world.
while I agree with the message, I was recently in Utah fishing and on a particular late night of fishing , while driving out of the canyon I was going slow enjoying the cool night air when I passed a parked unified police vehicle which proceeded to follow me.

it didn't bother me until he proceeded to get so close I could no longer make out his headlights then he would pull back and come up on me again. if he was expecting me to speed up I wasn't going to as it was dark and I was not familiar with the road.

after a few times of his pulling up on me I figured he needed to get by so I pulled off the road and stopped. he pulled up behind me so I stuck my head out and tried to look back to see what he was doing, I also stuck my arm out and waved him on. after a few minutes of just sitting there doing nothing, he flipped on his red/blue lights.

when he approached my Jeep he asked for was my driver's license which I declined and asked him what the problem was other than him pulling up on me and trying to push me to go faster. I also told him I pulled off the road to let him pass and asked him if there was a reason why he turned his bar lights on.

he offered nothing and kept asking for my license which I declined. I told him he was being an asshole (which I probably should not have) and I had done nothing wrong and that his driving was the reason I pulled off the road. this continued for what seemed for too long before I begin to get worried about what he would do the more aggravated we both got I begin to dial 911 when he gave me some bullshit about my driving and sent me on my way.

I was already so mad and frightened that I didn't think to turn my GoPro on nor get his name/badge number or any information. I wonder if he did what he did because I'm not white or because he was truly just an asshole to everyone he met.

Also, while moving from Houston to Fort Worth I took a recommended shortcut through some small town. I got pulled over and at least the cop told me why he pulled me over - he told me I looked like a drug dealer and since he's never seen my vehicle in "his" town he pulled me over. I spent 2 hours laying face down on the emergency lane off the side of the road while they searched/emptied my car and U-Haul trailer. when they got done they told me don't come this way again and left me to clean up and repack.
At least he told my why they pulled me over :naw:

I've been pulled over for the speeding and the usual violations and all those officers were very professional and no attitude. even been let go with just a warning so there are very decent officers out there.

I guess it's with every profession, you get your assholes and bullies it happens, I get it, I try very hard to show respect but sometimes it's just a battle to keep the anger inside.
while I agree with the message, I was recently in Utah fishing and on a particular late night of fishing , while driving out of the canyon I was going slow enjoying the cool night air when I passed a parked unified police vehicle which proceeded to follow me.

it didn't bother me until he proceeded to get so close I could no longer make out his headlights then he would pull back and come up on me again. if he was expecting me to speed up I wasn't going to as it was dark and I was not familiar with the road.

after a few times of his pulling up on me I figured he needed to get by so I pulled off the road and stopped. he pulled up behind me so I stuck my head out and tried to look back to see what he was doing, I also stuck my arm out and waved him on. after a few minutes of just sitting there doing nothing, he flipped on his red/blue lights.

when he approached my Jeep he asked for was my driver's license which I declined and asked him what the problem was other than him pulling up on me and trying to push me to go faster. I also told him I pulled off the road to let him pass and asked him if there was a reason why he turned his bar lights on.

he offered nothing and kept asking for my license which I declined. I told him he was being an asshole (which I probably should not have) and I had done nothing wrong and that his driving was the reason I pulled off the road. this continued for what seemed for too long before I begin to get worried about what he would do the more aggravated we both got I begin to dial 911 when he gave me some bullshit about my driving and sent me on my way.

I was already so mad and frightened that I didn't think to turn my GoPro on nor get his name/badge number or any information. I wonder if he did what he did because I'm not white or because he was truly just an asshole to everyone he met.

Also, while moving from Houston to Fort Worth I took a recommended shortcut through some small town. I got pulled over and at least the cop told me why he pulled me over - he told me I looked like a drug dealer and since he's never seen my vehicle in "his" town he pulled me over. I spent 2 hours laying face down on the emergency lane off the side of the road while they searched/emptied my car and U-Haul trailer. when they got done they told me don't come this way again and left me to clean up and repack.
At least he told my why they pulled me over :naw:

I've been pulled over for the speeding and the usual violations and all those officers were very professional and no attitude. even been let go with just a warning so there are very decent officers out there.

I guess it's with every profession, you get your assholes and bullies it happens, I get it, I try very hard to show respect but sometimes it's just a battle to keep the anger inside.

99% Of police are good people and do what they are supposed to do. But that 1% that suffer from S.P.S. ( small penis syndrome ) give the others a bad name. I have been a firefighter 23 years and Chief the last 8 years, we have to deal with the bad apple on occasion. Whether they are local or State PD they can a turn a calm scene into a cluster F??? in about 2 minutes. Sorry for your bad experiences.
Look I was a cop in San Diego as well as a Marine I have the only thing I can say is most cops wether or not in the military work 12 hours a day 5 to 6 days a week they are just doing there job yes sometimes we can be assholes and complicated but just have a little patience say yes sir no sir yes mam no mam show a little respect and and relax because the more attitude you have towards the officer you have the more crap your going to get more time than not if you show a little respect and relax!! Relax being the key word if your tense the cops are going to tell and think your hiding something or doing something your not suppose to be doing so body language !! Relay be respectful and most of the time you will be fine even if you think your right just again breath relax be respectful

Ps sorry for the crape spelling and punctuation I got blown up in Iraq and have a minor TBI traumatic brain injury words get jumbled and remember keep the shiny side up have some fun
when he approached my Jeep he asked for was my driver's license which I declined and asked him what the problem was other than him pulling up on me and trying to push me to go faster. I also told him I pulled off the road to let him pass and asked him if there was a reason why he turned his bar lights on.

he offered nothing and kept asking for my license which I declined. I told him he was being an asshole (which I probably should not have) and I had done nothing wrong and that his driving was the reason I pulled off the road. this continued for what seemed for too long before I begin to get worried about what he would do the more aggravated we both got I begin to dial 911 when he gave me some bullshit about my driving and sent me on my way.

I'm sorry, after reading this I'm surprised that you didn't get arrested! Arguing with a police officer, not providing you license, registration and insurance upon request? Your just asking for it! It's guys like you that end up in the news! You have kids, smarten up for their sake!
I'm sorry, after reading this I'm surprised that you didn't get arrested! Arguing with a police officer, not providing you license, registration and insurance upon request? Your just asking for it! It's guys like you that end up in the news! You have kids, smarten up for their sake!

The cop sounds like a dick I'm a firm believer in earning respect just because he's a cop does not mean he deserves respect or is even a good person it's asshole cops like that that give good cops a bad name
Pres. G. W. Bush had a great line in his speech a couple days ago that showed up on IG:

"Too often we judge other groups by their worst examples while judging ourselves by our best intentions."

Sometimes LEO's need to be given the benefit of the doubt given the consequences they have to deal with on a daily basis.
Unfortunately, there are dickheads out there that feel the need to push the authority. Then there are the civilians that bristle
at the abuse of authority, whether its real or perceived. Sometimes it isn't an easy balance and shit happens. I can feel for both sides
as my nephew is a LEO. Some of the stupid asses he has to deal and the stupid shit they do boggles the mind.
The cop sounds like a dick I'm a firm believer in earning respect just because he's a cop does not mean he deserves respect or is even a good person it's asshole cops like that that give good cops a bad name

I agree with you that respect is earned, however I also believe that officers have earned your basic respect and curtesy by putting on the uniform. Arguing with an officer is futile and will only exacerbate the situation. We hear all to often that someone gets beat or shot by an officer for "no reason". I say bullshit to that! People all to often elevate the situation by being disrespectful and not listening to instructions. Once that happens, it's just a matter of how much you will lose.
The cop sounds like a dick I'm a firm believer in earning respect just because he's a cop does not mean he deserves respect or is even a good person it's asshole cops like that that give good cops a bad name

Let's see. Driving home from a late night fishing trip.(possible drunk driver) Cop on his ass for awhile then backs off then gets back on ass(running plate to see if stolen jeep or wanted etc. etc.) driver pulls over on his own looks back out the window and waves him by( ok on edge a little is this guy armed? Or?? Who knows) cop does the safe thing and lights him up so he knows it is a cop. Asks for License and is refused( huge red flag now really on point) Says something about his driving and let's him go no ticket or nothing...... Yeah that cop was a dick!? Really?!? Sounds to me like all the OP had to do was relax, give him the license and maybe talk about how the fishing was or what a nice night it is instead of acting like a suspicious idiot. Just my opinion. And no I am not a LEO. Just sick of people blaming cops for creating their own confrontations and problems.
Let's see. Driving home from a late night fishing trip.(possible drunk driver) Cop on his ass for awhile then backs off then gets back on ass(running plate to see if stolen jeep or wanted etc. etc.) driver pulls over on his own looks back out the window and waves him by( ok on edge a little is this guy armed? Or?? Who knows) cop does the safe thing and lights him up so he knows it is a cop. Asks for License and is refused( huge red flag now really on point) Says something about his driving and let's him go no ticket or nothing...... Yeah that cop was a dick!? Really?!? Sounds to me like all the OP had to do was relax, give him the license and maybe talk about how the fishing was or what a nice night it is instead of acting like a suspicious idiot. Just my opinion. And no I am not a LEO. Just sick of people blaming cops for creating their own confrontations and problems.

Agreed 100%. If you're so sensitive when a cop, who spends a majority of his life in confrontations with assholes who would like to see him dead, isn't just fucking cheery when you call him an asshole and refuse to give him your license, then go join the rest of the 'movement'. Just don't call for help from one of these 'assholes on a power trip' when you need someone to save your ass. My .02$
A.J. nailed the LEO perspective on this encounter (I only have 30 yrs experience though...).
OP......the encounter you should be enraged over is the one where you were proned out on the pavement for 2 hours while your belongings were torn apart without any more reason (as you stated) than "You look like a drug dealer" waaaaaay bigger breech of your rights than asking for you license.....just sayin.
I think the key for any interaction with authorities is knowing what the laws are. I always turn my camera on and reply to questions as respectful as possible. 9 times out of ten we both leave happy, the one time an officer violated my constitutional rights I took the video straight to his chief and he was dealt with accordingly.

I have several family members in law enforcement and most of them are great people. I had the chance to join them but I chose a different route because of the way the government uses our local PD a pawns in their political agenda. What people fail to see is that the federal government is using this BLM movement to create a divide in our communities. The day after those innocent cops were murdered in cold blood by some idiot our own president went on live tv and said that police officers need to change their way of doing things. Millions of people are pulled over ever year and I'm sorry if this offends anybody but one or two people getting shot is a damn fair success rate. The president along with the federal government wants civilians and LEO's to be divided so they can step in and take over.

I really wish America would wake up and see that your local PD is the LAST thing stopping the Feds from taking over your city. God forbid if they declare martial law from the riots that these idiots start.
I had the chance to join them but I chose a different route because of the way the government uses our local PD a pawns in their political agenda. What people fail to see is that the federal government is using this BLM movement to create a divide in our communities. The day after those innocent cops were murdered in cold blood by some idiot our own president went on live tv and said that police officers need to change their way of doing things..... The president along with the federal government wants civilians and LEO's to be divided so they can step in and take over.

I really wish America would wake up and see that your local PD is the LAST thing stopping the Feds from taking over your city. God forbid if they declare martial law from the riots that these idiots start.

Bingo. Some guy in Germany did that once too I think.
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