Recent Shooting and Discussion

Honestly, with this particular situation, I'm not certain laws/restrictions would have prevented the tragedy. It seems as though this individual might have just found a different way to do the same thing. Crazy will always find a way to be crazy and most people with any real firearm/explosive/firefighting experience will tell you that there are several more efficient ways to kill people in a closed setting like a building than an AR.

But, in my opinion, that doesn't mean our country shouldn't be reevaluating some of our gun laws, our mental health laws, etc. The failure here was institutional (and by that "institution" I mean with our entire society). It's hard to fix that type of failure with any one law. Again, you may take away the "how" from one person and I understand the desire to do that, but if we want real change we have to find a way to address the "why".

Again... on point. My feelings as well. Thanks
Luke 22:36 Jesus: "He said to them, "....and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one." "

Declaration of Independence: "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights"


So wait, if I follow that through to its logical conclusion, the Bible says we should have swords, and the Constitution and Declaration of Independence say we were given the right to have a sword by God, then isn't the 2A really talking about swords? Then why are we talking about firearms?
So wait, if I follow that through to its logical conclusion, the Bible says we should have swords, and the Constitution and Declaration of Independence say we were given the right to have a sword by God, then isn't the 2A really talking about swords? Then why are we talking about firearms?

Fixed it for you, lol :

Luke 22:36 Jesus: "He said to them, "....and if you don't have a AR15 with a 30 round mag with adjustable sights and a composite grip, sell your cloak and buy one." "
Prayers for the 17 kids killed today!

^^ Yes, exactly. It is called social tribalism, and it is destroying us.

Ha, I think we read the same article. Or at least, I recently read an article about that.

So wait, if I follow that through to its logical conclusion, the Bible says we should have swords, and the Constitution and Declaration of Independence say we were given the right to have a sword by God, then isn't the 2A really talking about swords? Then why are we talking about firearms?

Because God said so. Duh.

God also gave us armor piecing bullets. So you can't take those. And I will buy a tank and maybe a nuke. I don't think anyone's comment on that one yet.
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We have allowed ourselves to be herded into groups. Liberal, Republican, Conservative, Democrat, Independent, Libertarian, Pro-life, Pro-death penalty, etc, etc, etc. We no longer want to reason with each other or listen to the "opposition's" position because it's "not what I believe in", even if there are beliefs that may be shared. We have become intellectually lazy and it is only getting worse.

So true.

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I am serious, the old guys in white wigs didn't give anything.

If it was given by God, then how can it be taken away by man? How is the right so absolute? How can man take away a felon's right to a firearm? Why isn't every baby given a firearm at birth (it is, after all, the will of God)? When the U.S. imposes its political views on other societies (through force or otherwise), why doesn't the U.S. provide the other society with the God given right to keep and bear arms? The U.S. has helped other emerging nations write their own constitutions...why hasn't the U.S. demanded that those constitutions include the God-given right to keep and bear arms?

What if my God is different than your God, or what if I don't have/believe in a God? Does that mean the Constitution no longer applies to me?

How can something be both inalienable and subject to restriction? Isn't that impossible?

What if my religion, for which the freedom to practice is an inalienable right under the Constitution, says that I can be married to 15 women at once? If the government says that is against the law, isn't the government improperly restricting my God-given, inalienable right to freely practice my religion?

The 2A is no different than any other right from Bill of Rights, and it is subject to a variety of interpretations and reasonable restrictions.

It is interesting that when quoting the 2A, so many people leave out the first part of the sentence: "A well-regulated militia...." Doesn't that language, in and of itself, prove the intent that "arms" are supposed to be regulated? Doesn't it also contemplate that the "people" bearing arms are supposed to be part of a well-regulated militia?

If we are going to have this discussion, we need to at least be intellectually honest about that which we are discussing.
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For those of you who believe in your right to bear arms is based solely on the had better wake up. While it is a great piece of writing, it is not perfect...hence the amendments to it....33 of them at this time, the first ten of them known as the Bill of Rights. Do you believe the Constitution will not be amended again?

You had better start to think how you are going to get involved in making concessions and making reasonable changes to current gun laws...or you will be on the sidelines shouting about the 2nd amendment while laws are enacted to remove all guns from private ownership.

Gun owners are in the minority of the voting population...and the large group on the fence in regard to gun regulation is about to get off the fence...

And please...don't bring God into this...for God's sake
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Just like the figure of their being 18 school shootings in 18. The false figure was pushed by a liberal group to support their position.

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18. 22. 10. Does it really matter seeing how it is Feb 16th. We're left to bicker about what double digit level of school shootings we've had?? We've already had more than all of 2017.

Let that sink in for a second.

And to be clear the white supremacy has not been debunked. As of this mornings statements, the FBI is still investigating reports and statements.

Hate is absolutely relevant in mass shootings. Kind, loving people generally don't kill.

You had better start to think how you are going to get involved in making concessions and making reasonable changes to current gun laws...or you will be on the sidelines shouting about the 2nd amendment while laws are enacted to remove all guns from private ownership.


Exactly! And as a society, including those of us who consider ourselves to be reasonable and lawful gun owners, we also need to look beyond the gun issue and figure out why these tragic events are happening. Only then can we begin to stop the cycle of violence, hate, and divisiveness that has become so prevalent in our country.
If it was given by God, then how can it be taken away by man? How is the right so absolute? How can man take away a felon's right to a firearm? Why isn't every baby given a firearm at birth (it is, after all, the will of God)? When the U.S. imposes its political views on other societies (through force or otherwise), why doesn't the U.S. provide the other society with the God given right to keep and bear arms? The U.S. has helped other emerging nations write their own constitutions...why hasn't the U.S. demanded that those constitutions include the God-given right to keep and bear arms?

What if my God is different than your God, or what if I don't have/believe in a God? Does that mean the Constitution no longer applies to me?

How can something be both inalienable and subject to restriction? Isn't that impossible?

What if my religion, for which the freedom to practice is an inalienable right under the Constitution, says that I can be married to 15 women at once? If the government says that is against the law, isn't the government improperly restricting my God-given, inalienable right to freely practice my religion?

The 2A is no different than any other right from Bill of Rights, and it is subject to a variety of interpretations and reasonable restrictions.

It is interesting that when quoting the 2A, so many people leave out the first part of the sentence: "A well-regulated militia...." Doesn't that language, in and of itself, prove the intent that "arms" are supposed to be regulated? Doesn't it also contemplate that the "people" bearing arms are supposed to be part of a well-regulated militia?

If we are going to have this discussion, we need to at least be intellectually honest about that which we are discussing.
^^this guy👍

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Shame on all the people that knew this guy had issues and did nothing. I'm not a big fan of the amount of meds everyone seems to be on nowadays, but this guy clearly needed something.

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Not sure where all you are getting your findings. By all public accounts and documented reports, many people did say something and did bring up cause for concern. This guy was on the police watch list. The system failed the victims. How that system should be set up and activate needs to be part of the discussion too.
I'd like to know what they did to curb his issues.. maybe wrong prescriptions?

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I think this is extremely relevant and the only area to find answers and possible solutions. On the meds... they never talk about that.... imagine what it would do to big pharma... It’s an issue. As far as those individuals in his contact... Foster parents, family, friends, teachers, counselors.... what efforts did they take. Did they ignore him? Turn a blind eye? Was it laziness.... or fear of getting involved? Look at what happened to Chris Kyle... that kind of thing is often in the back of heads when dealing with individuals who are a little “off”. This is what needs to be analyzed, over and over again. The fact that he is alive will be helpful.... but this comes down to communication and learning how to help individuals who are lost, depressed and have nothing to live for. Restricting Guns from these troubled individuals is understandable... but thats not even close to the real issue. Nor will it prevent tragedy. We need to fix societies morals & values.... and learn how to better help each other.

Those 17 parents are living in Hell right now.... and I bet everyone who knew this kid, wishes they would have acted on their gut feeling... Speak up!!!
Some just can't comprehend logic. Or read. Or be open to new thoughts. Or give a shit. "Apparently and hypothetically" speaking of course.

This thread has shown the very worst in mankind. Because more than 150 comments we're going to start blaming victims.

We are beyond prayers. We're fucking doomed.
Some just can't comprehend logic. Or read. Or be open to new thoughts. Or give a shit. "Apparently and hypothetically" speaking of course.

This thread has shown the very worst in mankind. Because more than 150 comments we're going to start blaming victims.

We are beyond prayers. We're fucking doomed.

There is nothing wrong with this thread... There needs to be discussion on the topic. A lot of us have kids. A lot of us are concerned and heartbroken. We are all searching for answers and clearly there is not just one. I don’t think anyone is blaming the Victims. The point I was making is that it needs to be a team effort.... A federal or state law is limited compared to the support that can be given by family, friends, colleagues etc... He’s a kid, that lost both his parents, he needed help and he didn’t get it.... But if we keep blaming the f’n tools and stop helping those that seriously need it... yes, we are doomed.

(Just to be clear, I completely respect your opinions... hearing all sides is a good thing) [emoji1360]
Some just can't comprehend logic. Or read. Or be open to new thoughts. Or give a shit. "Apparently and hypothetically" speaking of course.

This thread has shown the very worst in mankind. Because more than 150 comments we're going to start blaming victims.

We are beyond prayers. We're fucking doomed.

Sadly, I think you’re right. I’ve been staying caught up on this thread and can really see the divide that has this country in such turmoil.
I’m not a Republican or a Democrat nor do I believe in organized religion. I’m just a dad with a wife and daughter living in these crazy times.

My politics, my religion is to do the right thing, which if you’re honest with yourself, always lies somewhere in the middle.

While I fear for my daughters safety at school, I believe that people kill people and because of this more controls should be in-place. Lack of compassion, unwillingness to get involved and the inability to consider for a moment that were wrong, will be our downfall.

Within this thread there is some excellent arguments and point made! There is also plenty of ignorance and arrogance. Unfortunately with the political climate we are in nothing will change.

My heart weeps for the victims and families!
I know what I am about to say is going to be unpopular here...but serious discussion needs to be started about how to make it more difficult to acquire certain types of firearms...

A 19 yo cannot buy a beer, but can purchase an AR platform weapon...

It takes far more paperwork, time and scrutiny to get a loan, buy a car or home...but about 20 minutes to get an AR-15...

I grew up in a hunting and fishing dad was a police officer, and previously was in the Army. I grew up around hunting rifles and shotguns...50 years ago, no one hunted deer with semi-auto's...pop's had a .270 Weatherby Magnum and a .243 Mannlicher-Schonauer...I owned a Springfield .30-06 (same one carried into battle in WWI...and shot damn straight!)...and we both had a brace of different types of shotguns.

I am definitely against banning private ownership of weapons...but perhaps we may need to revisit the process in which we acquire them...times are certainly far different than when I was young...

They say if you keep doing the exact same thing over and over again, but expect a different result...this would be the definition of insanity. For the sake of our children, and our children's children, we need to start the discussion to make it more difficult for these events to keep happening...because what we are doing right now is clearly not working...

My two cents...
I'm a little late to this discussion but do have some personal experience in this. I've lived my whole life in states that are considered to be far left, I own multiple firearms, none of which were "difficult" to purchase. Most of those states had regulations added to the federal requirements to purchase and own firearms. I don't follow politics but what I've been hearing is that they want to add regulations to make it harder to purchase guns, if these states already have regulations above what federal law states what more can be be added? California for example has gone so far to ban detachable magazines on AR rifles and limit the bullet count to 10 rounds. To the best of my knowledge any SBR rifle legally owned in the US has to be purchased under a tax stamp which is already subject to increased federal and state regulations in order to even qualify for the permit. So what may I ask is making it "harder" than the process already dictates.

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