What’s been tried and failed?
I agree that there’s a mental health component to this and that gun laws won’t totally solve anything. I don’t have any realistic ideas on how to fix mental health, so attempting to stop guns from falling into the wrong hands is the next best thing.
Plenty of cities/ states have strict gun laws. And none of them are any better off that I can tell.
“Mental health” is too broad of a term. Yeah some people are loony and belong in a nuthouse. But they aren’t the majority of the problem. Seems like most mass shootings are at the hands of angry teens/ young adults.
I live in rural north GA. The area I live in is not poor by any means. Almost any direction I go, within 10 minutes I can find $1m+ homes and $1m+ tracts of land. About 2 years ago, a lady I go to church with who works in the local school system(yes I go to church and yes I believe in god) told us about a student in her class that was having anger problem and lashing out, failing grades and always starting fights. But the previous years before he was a great student. When they finally sat him down and asked him why he replied “I’m just hungry”. Turns out the only time this kid got a meal was when he was at school. So that got them looking at other kids in the schools and the number of kids in my area that are going without the most basic of human needs blew my mind. It’s 2019 and tons of money in the area and kids are lashing out simply because they are hungry? I would have never thought that would be possible, but it was the case. We have since created a outreach program with donations from the church, members of the community and even local businesses and grocery store to make sure that anyone that can’t afford food,due to whatever the circumstances might be, can have food to eat. We give out backpacks every year before school starts and it amazes me how something so simple as a backpack can’t make a kid light up. There are kids in every city that are hungry. Hungry for food, acceptance,guidance, friends or maybe they just need to know someone gives a damn about them. There are tons of ways people can make a difference in the lives of these kids. Random acts of kindness have longer and farther reaching effects than random act of violence. Never know, an act of kindness might be all it takes to stop one of these kids from taking their own life or the life of others. Unfortunately a lot of people aren’t willing to do stuff to help others. It takes time and resources. I’d rather be doing other stuff and I’ve always got stuff I’d rather spend my money on but I remind myself that if all goes as planned, I’ll be leaving this world long before my kids and I’d rather focus on trying to leave them a world with a little less hate than a world with fewer freedoms and more gun laws. So anyways, that’s a take on it from and uneducated, gun toting good ol boy.
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