Recent Shooting and Discussion

I don't think gun control folks in Washington are getting NRA kick backs. But they are nearly all working for one cause or another.

I'm not a proponent of banning guns. Makes no sense. But other things do make sense.

Yeah you hit on a few really big points. Getting lobbyists out of Washington would go a long way to actually solving things.

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But until you get ......lobbyists out of washingtons pockets, it doesn't matter what the people want. Billions will always be louder than voices.

Getting lobbyists out of Washington would go a long way to actually solving things.

Bingo. “When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.” -Ben Franklin
Bingo. “When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.” -Ben Franklin

I wasn't exactly feeling the bern, but that was one of the things that resonated from his campaign. We see the demon of greed across so many issues plaguing us today. Especially in Washington. Unfortunately, money breeds power and power breeds money.
Trump Suggests Arming Teachers as a Solution to Increase School Safety

My wife being a teacher, I completely agree with this

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I would imagine that we have quite a few armed teachers in Utah. I know the female principal of the elementary school next to my house carries at school and has for quite a while.

There always seems to be one or two stories of a heroic teacher that shielded students. I would prefer them to be able to return fire.
I would imagine that we have quite a few armed teachers in Utah. I know the female principal of the elementary school next to my house carries at school and has for quite a while.

There always seems to be one or two stories of a heroic teacher that shielded students. I would prefer them to be able to return fire.

I’m glad to hear that there are teachers carrying in Utah at least. I would prefer to hear teachers return fire instead of shielding as well!

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Ed, I see what you're saying and have a lot of respect for you. But at the same time, think about the number of young 19 year olds that are responsible gun owners. Should they be punished as well? I am deeply saddened about what happened, but I think we all know what happens when it gun rights are infringed upon everybody as a whole. The gun isn't the problem, the individual was the problem. And obviously that opens up a whole nother conversation of who gets to decide what is 'mentally ill' or 'depressed' or 'likely to kill.' I don't think making guns more 'difficult' to get would stop this tragedy. Look at crime in Mexico where guns and ammo are illegal. Evil people will stop at nothing to do evil things.

I agree with this. Common sense. Thanks

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If it was given by God, then how can it be taken away by man? How is the right so absolute? How can man take away a felon's right to a firearm? Why isn't every baby given a firearm at birth (it is, after all, the will of God)? When the U.S. imposes its political views on other societies (through force or otherwise), why doesn't the U.S. provide the other society with the God given right to keep and bear arms? The U.S. has helped other emerging nations write their own constitutions...why hasn't the U.S. demanded that those constitutions include the God-given right to keep and bear arms?

What if my God is different than your God, or what if I don't have/believe in a God? Does that mean the Constitution no longer applies to me?

How can something be both inalienable and subject to restriction? Isn't that impossible?

What if my religion, for which the freedom to practice is an inalienable right under the Constitution, says that I can be married to 15 women at once? If the government says that is against the law, isn't the government improperly restricting my God-given, inalienable right to freely practice my religion?

The 2A is no different than any other right from Bill of Rights, and it is subject to a variety of interpretations and reasonable restrictions.

It is interesting that when quoting the 2A, so many people leave out the first part of the sentence: "A well-regulated militia...." Doesn't that language, in and of itself, prove the intent that "arms" are supposed to be regulated? Doesn't it also contemplate that the "people" bearing arms are supposed to be part of a well-regulated militia?

If we are going to have this discussion, we need to at least be intellectually honest about that which we are discussing.

Has the constitution of the U.S. upset you? Which side are you on?

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Has the constitution of the U.S. upset you? Which side are you on?

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I don't mean to speak for Sharkey, however I can assume with him being a lawyer that he's asking the exact questions that could legally come out in a courtroom and have to be defended using the law and proper wording. I highly doubt that the US Constitution upsets him.
Fear breeds money and power, which leads to the ability to instill more fear.
Hence all the political fear mongering. If you don't "insert something here" people will die....

Things to be inserted:
Healthcare for everyone
Lower carbon emissions
Restrict guns
Safety warnings on rubber dildos..
I don't mean to speak for Sharkey, however I can assume with him being a lawyer that he's asking the exact questions that could legally come out in a courtroom and have to be defended using the law and proper wording. I highly doubt that the US Constitution upsets him.

Not just questions that could come out in a courtroom. Questions any thinking person should be open to considering.
Hence all the political fear mongering. If you don't "insert something here" people will die....

Things to be inserted:
Healthcare for everyone
Lower carbon emissions
Restrict guns
Safety warnings on rubber dildos..

Think they will ever come out with aluminum dildos? They could market it like condoms, cool to the touch.

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Has the constitution of the U.S. upset you? Which side are you on?

Lol. Hardly. I actually argue and litigate its application. As a matter of fact, I am currently arguing a case taking the position that a particular state law violates due process (it is vague), the non-delegation doctrine (a gov’t agency is creating rules that the Legislature did not give the agency the power to create), and equal protection (the particular law treats similarly situated people differently without a rational basis to do so)...but I digress.

I am on the side of reasoned thought based on intellectual honesty. I am willing to have my positions challenged, to listen to and thoughtfully consider what others have to say, provided they use logic and supportive evidence.

Oh, and I actually study law...a lot of it. Whether you want to admit it or not, the Bill of Rights are not absolute. If you had read as many Supreme Court cases as I have, you would know that.

All day, five or more days per week, I fight to uphold the American rule of law (including the Constitution). How about you?
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