If this sick monster would have shot 30 rounds of 12 gauge in the same setting in the same time, there would have likely been 30 fatalities. Locked doors would have been largely ineffective.
As a gun owner, I support better (national) background checks and I’m not a huge fan of private party firearm sales. I also don’t oppose reasonable limitations on magazine capacity. BUT, I don’t think any of the above will fix the issue.
Again, we need to address the why, not the how.
Speaking of that and regarding the idea of putting armed staffing is schools...how long could it take for an armed first responder to react and arrive to where a shooting is in progress?
When I was in high school, our police liaison was one guy in at the east end of the sprawling 5 block wide/long building that was our school.
If someone decided to shoot up our shop wing at the far west end, it'd take a guy in decent shape a good minute to haul ass down there. Probably winded by the time he got there and then will have to aim and not frag a kid or two during a shootout?
Think of how much damage one kid with whatever type of firearm you want to imagine can do in that minute.
2 cops? Arm the teachers? Maybe.
Just been pondering that.