Recent Shooting and Discussion

2. Gun Laws that may (or may not) help, could include: raising the purchase age to 21 for ALL firearm purchases. "Boys" should not be buying guns.. ALL purchases should require background checks, testing and physical training. (And possible renewals every few years).

The age was my first knee jerk reaction. A young adult that couldn’t legally purchase a beer could purchase an assault rifle seemed illogical. BUT someone that age can die serving this country so that ‘s not as cut and dry as it seems.

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Why do you keep deleting your posts?

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Good question.
When I'm on here on a mobile device and I want to edit a post, I tap the pencil which throws me into screen giving me a choice to either delete or edit a post.

Problem I keep having is that after about 15 seconds, the screen times out and just deletes my post without me hitting any button whatsoever.

This last time a moment ago? I copied the message first, deleted it, then reposted it with my edits as a work around.
The age was my first knee jerk reaction. A young adult that couldn’t legally purchase a beer could purchase an assault rifle seemed illogical. BUT someone that age can die serving this country so that ‘s not as cut and dry as it seems.

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But a young adult on the battlefield is not only trained and under watch, but surrounded by 100's of other armed Soldiers and is extremely less likely to blow a circuit. The concern is civilian tide pod eatin muther f'ers.
But a young adult on the battlefield is not only trained and under watch, but surrounded by 100's of other armed Soldiers and is extremely less likely to blow a circuit. The concern is civilian tide pod eatin muther f'ers.

That is more than a fair statement, and I absolutely agree 100%, but it does make the discussion/argument more difficult.

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That is more than a fair statement, and I absolutely agree 100%, but it does make the discussion/argument more difficult

The pod eaters will take care of themselves. The only person that gets harmed is the eater.

It's the sociopathic loner types that brag about torturing animals that we need to be looking for. Obvious stuff.

Or is it.

Hate it, call it campy... but it's just that easy to miss signs.
Don’t talk Obama care to us Canadians. We pay jack shit for all of the health care we want, when we want it, where we want it. You guys can do this too.

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Don’t talk Obama care to us Canadians. We pay jack shit for all of the health care we want, when we want it, where we want it. You guys can do this too. just had to kick the hornets nest, didn't you?

Why stop there? Go ahead and tack on how ACA (I refuse to call it Obamacare) would have worked if not for the GOP legislature defunding it.

Go on. Get it out of your system.

I'll wait.

Pssst....seriously, do it. It'll be fucking great watching the meltdown that follows. ;)
Don’t talk Obama care to us Canadians. We pay jack shit for all of the health care we want, when we want it, where we want it. You guys can do this too.

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I don't think it's all everyone cracks it up to be. Sure its free, which is great, until you need to use it.
Need a major surgery? Have fun being put onto a 12 month waiting list.
Have an actual emergency that requires the ER? Have fun waiting 14+ hours.
Yes average emergency room wait times is 4-6 hours... unless it’s an authentic emergency such as an MVI or stabbing, heart attack or serious injury or illness. This is all immediate treatment. Also as in my sons case, his cancer treatment is immediate too. You want big tits, less wrinkles? You have to wait.

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Prayers for the 17 kids killed today!

The pod eaters will take care of themselves. The only person that gets harmed is the eater.

It's the sociopathic loner types that brag about torturing animals that we need to be looking for. Obvious stuff.

Or is it.

Hate it, call it campy... but it's just that easy to miss signs.

My wife showed me that video last night. It was very good, timely, and a recommended view for everyone.

Many individuals feel that the gun debate and consequences is a “slippery slope” but the mental health debate may very well be a much more slippery slope. Who decides mental soundness for gun ownership ? Seems to be an arena where many more civil liberties could be impacted.

If you say you, as a civilian, you need the opportunity to own an assault rifle to protect yourself from a tyrannical government, do you sound paranoid or mentally sound?

If you go to a building on Sundays and speak to an imaginary person seeking guidance in your life, do you exhibit the mental acuity to possess a weapon capable of claiming so many lives?

These are very challenging questions that need to be carefully debated. I’d like to say threads like these shouldn’t exist on our “beer and circus” forums but there are instances where the severity of subject matter transcends the platform.

Everyone that can contribute without name calling or discrediting everything someone says w/o reading their entire post, is making strides to find a common ground and moving towards the process of impacting change.

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This tragedy is horrible beyond belief and I feel for all the students and parents having to deal with the outcome.

I think it's disgusting how the media and activists have taken this and politicized it so quickly without allowing anyone to properly mourn.

Their ongoing taunting to protest and provide comments for the media to sensationalize IMO is only feeding the next crazy.

The state of invasive activism journalism IMO is causing greater harm to those affected and society as a whole.

The media has honed the skill of creating anger and hate.

I think about my daughter everyday she is in school and cannot fathom the loss and devastation I would feel if something like this happened.

With the exception of this year, I have picked her up for lunch and after school every day since kindergarten. When she reached 1st grade I was taken back at the police presence but was glad it was in place.

When she begin high school, not only were there multiple police officers at the entry but, during school hours there was only one way in as all other doors were locked. All students are required to have an ID not only to enter the school, but also to enter the classroom.

During lunch and the end of the day, I noted several police cars patrolling the parking lots and walking the perimeter. I'm sure it's an expensive cost but gladly pay my increased property taxes to cover such a great benefit.

My father-in-law used to own a gun shop. He would get people in that just seemed off to him and wouldn't sell to them.

While there are some federal laws for gun control, each state also has their own laws to as to purchasing age, permits etc... It's hard to judge a form, anyone can lie.

It's easier to get a gun than it is a driver's license. It's easier to get a gun that it is to get a credit card!

Times have changed with the social media, narcissism is out of control. The general kindness to each other has greatly diminished.

Like Brute, I recall a time that I would stop and help anyone. During heavy winter storms I would take my Grand Wagoneer and drive the known spots where people would get stuck, help them get unstuck or pick them up and give them rides home. People used to help each other. Now I rarely stop to help anyone.

IMO I believe a mandatory multi-hour course should be required before being allowed to purchase any gun.

Change does need to be made. Why offer conceal carry courses after the fact, they should be incorporated into a full pre-purchase training course.

This would allow ample time for a background check, train on gun safety and have an "eyes on" approach and behavior observation.

The cost would be on the purchaser, much like the cost of learning to drive is on the driver.

The current "minor privacy" issue needs to be amended. If we can have no-fly lists, there should be a "no-gun" list where individuals like this student should be on.

The school should have a pathway where they can request proper counseling for students like this.
Schools offer grief counselors when a student dies in a car accident away from the school and yet they had nothing to help this student out other than to expel him.

If they can afford the cost of grief counseling on a tragedy that happens away from school, why not for students that truly need it.

This kid was in a marksmanship course in school and apparently he showed signs of trouble before being expelled.

The FBI and local police had him on their radar, they knew he had weapons and did nothing, they failed at so many levels.

Should steps have been taken to remove his guns? IMO absolutely, with the media he posted and his worsening behavior I think they should have gotten the proper warrants to confiscate.

Since, according to reports, he purchased the AR-15 while still in school, a "no-buy" list wouldn't have stopped him. This is the fault of incredibly lax Florida laws.

Would any of the above have stopped this tragedy? I don't know.

As Sharky commented, crazy will always find a way. But maybe it would have slowed him down enough for the proper authorities to wake up to his "media stated" intent and done more.

To those trolling and trying to stir the pot during such a tragic moment, you show poor taste and poor judgement.

You are what's wrong with society. Doesn't matter where you live, decency is not difficult.
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My wife showed me that video last night. It was very good, timely, and a recommended view for everyone.

Many individuals feel that the gun debate and consequences is a “slippery slope” but the mental health debate may very well be a much more slippery slope. Who decides mental soundness for gun ownership ? Seems to be an arena where many more civil liberties could be impacted.

If you say you, as a civilian, you need the opportunity to own an assault rifle to protect yourself from a tyrannical government, do you sound paranoid or mentally sound?

If you go to a building on Sundays and speak to an imaginary person seeking guidance in your life, do you exhibit the mental acuity to possess a weapon capable of claiming so many lives?

These are very challenging questions that need to be carefully debated. I’d like to say threads like these shouldn’t exist on our “beer and circus” forums but there are instances where the severity of subject matter transcends the platform.

Everyone that can contribute without name calling or discrediting everything someone says w/o reading their entire post, is making strides to find a common ground and moving towards the process of impacting change.

Well said.

I've never been one to hide behind the slippery slope reasoning to not have the discussion. Beer and circus forums like this (nice btw) are good places to try because a challenging POV coming into an echo chamber is a good way to start an argument. But that argument can also spur new thinking just so long as the challenger holds a moral high ground and skips resorting to insults.

Some don't like having their bubble breached but too bad. Many more don't like being shot at either.

Causes and solutions need to be discussed from all angles in an intelligent fashion. Which as demonstrated is not always easy but nonetheless, such shootings will go on and on until we do.

How many of you have gone onto and looked up sources of campaign funding from organizations that support the firearm industry? Gun control advocates working your voting district will certainly be more than happy to share that list with you but to avoid their spin, I suggest doing it on your own.

Wait a bit if you choose before taking this next step if the "grieving" period thing is important to you because it's going to be a ballsy move when you do.

If anyone you voted for comes up on your list, call them up, identify yourself as a supporter and responsible gun owner (if you are) and simply ask them what they plan on doing about the growing problem of mass shootings in America despite having a record of accepting funds from the gun industry lobby. If you believe mental health is a factor, don't mention that. See if they bring it up.

Have they spoken to the gun industry advocates to seek their input? Probe but dont attack. Don't ask closed-ended or leading questions because they are only going to say what you want to hear.

You're not playing gotcha. But remember that this person works for you.

If the answers sound canned and hollow, time for a change. If they refer to mental health issues, they're thinking in two dimensions which is good. Ask what they are working on to keep guns out of the hands of those with mental health issues.

If they fall back to slippery slopes and dead end answers and you come away feeling like you were told that "2A trumps all so get used to it", then it's time for a change in your district. This isn't about 2A anymore, it's about mental illness and firearms. The 2A angle is just cover to avoid the real discussion.

There is a growing tidal wave of Americans on both sides out there that are becoming more and more impatient with this crap.
Even the surviving students are already pushing back.

Not a huge fan of Huff but this reads well into the narrative here.

If I was an opportunist seeking election, I'd for sure want one of those kids at my podium during a rally and you can bet it's going to happen leading into the 2020 party conventions.

Any candidate or media mouthpiece that favors the same old talking points is about to get rolled but if the wave gets too big and get's out of control, we could lose 2A altogether.

Don't think beer and circus forums like this are appropriate? I agree and perhaps you're right.

Let's take our thoughts and opinions and point them in the direction of our elected then.

Be the change.
Powerful video for sure. FBI was tipped off 5 weeks before, if they had used proper protocol, this tragedy could of been prevented. I think ctznarcane is a Russian troll bot.

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