As Eddie mentioned, my vibration was ultimately caused by excessive runout at the pinion yoke. Up to that point I installed different drive shafts, rebalanced the drive shafts multiple times, changed pinion angles multiple times but, the vibration never changed.
I actually figured out what it was by accident. I recently had the rear wheels off the ground so I could check for a bent axle flange. With the wheels off the ground and the engine running, I put the Jeep in drive to spin the wheels. First, I noticed my right rear axle flange was definitely bent. Then, I happened to notice that as the drive shaft was spinning, I could actually see it moving up and down slightly at the pinion flange. Suspecting this can't be right, I had a shop check the run out with a dial indicator to verify what I was seeing. Turned out the run out measured over 40 thousandths of an inch. The spec is 0!
Had a new yoke installed and voila, no more vibration.
I hope you get it solved soon. I put up with it far too long!