REALLY?? Sony Scraped ‘The Interview’

That's not surprising. It's additional information that the leftist mainstream media is hiding to protect their left wing company/friend from exposing their Constitution trampling agenda.

Because the "right" doesn't have an agenda either? Sad if you think that. The world of politics is merely one agenda after another.
Because the "right" doesn't have an agenda either? Sad if you think that. The world of politics is merely one agenda after another.

Of course all politics has an agenda, otherwise there would be no republicans, democrats, libertarians, etc. The true right wing's agenda is hardly ever showcased by the media unless the intent is to vilify founding principles and destroy freedoms. It's a fairly foregone conclusion that the mainstream media has a tremendous leftist bias. If that isn't agreed our views are so disparate that a discussion is pointless.
Of course all politics has an agenda, otherwise there would be no republicans, democrats, libertarians, etc. The true right wing's agenda is hardly ever showcased by the media unless the intent is to vilify founding principles and destroy freedoms. It's a fairly foregone conclusion that the mainstream media has a tremendous leftist bias. If that isn't agreed our views are so disparate that a discussion is pointless.

I think it's interesting that you bring up mainstream media. You mean like channels 2-4-7 (ABC/CBS/NBC)?? The newspapers?? That's not where the majority of people source their news, political views or agendas these days. Regardless, couldn't agree more that "a discussion is pointless." But that was probably true before this.
Here's the info on today's release.....

"Sony’s The Interview will become available today on a variety of online platforms including YouTube Movies, Google Play, Microsoft’s Xbox Video and Sony’s own dedicated website, the studio has announced. The movie, which will go online at 10 a.m. Pacific Time, can be rented for $5.99 and purchased in HD for $14.99."

And a link to the full statement/article in the Hollywood Reporter via Yahoo News.
Arrrgh! All these sites are US only... why can't I watch it in the country the movie is actually from???

I think in all this US vs North Korea rhetoric people forgot this is actually a Canadian movie...

I don't even know what to say. We should all be outraged about the killing of police officers, politicians included. If politicians or celebrities were killed at the same rate of police officers, there would be mass pandemonium. A police officer? "Well, he chose that profession...". It disgusts me.
Side note.,and not sure if it's been mentioned but YouTube is streaming the movie live tonight!!! Go check it out folks!
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