Real Men Don't Get "Offended": The Grown-Ass Men Getting Butthurt Thread

I'm sorry, is that a razor? I couldn't tell for sure because my beard was blocking my view. ;)
:cheesy: :clap2:
Well, we do have an action figure.


So.....what do you got ta say now big boy!? Hmmm???


Touché that was awesome :cheesy:
Thank you StrizzyChris! Great thread! There are girly men everywhere these days!

Reminds me of these guys!


I didn't know that website existed, such greatness!!
I read that the other day as well. I agree whole-heartedly. Feel free to drop this on everyone who ever tells you they're offended: just because you're offended, that doesn't mean you're right!
I have been so angry at how big of pussies Americans have become over the past few years....that I have been pretty inactive in all forms of social media(plus personal life responsibilities contributed to this as well). But I wanted to bump this post with a few people that I have been listening to podcasts of. I suggest everyone with a pair of danglers listen to Ben Shapiro, Dinesh D'souza, and Steven Crowder. Pretty intelligent conservatives!

Apparently, it isn't the, "in," thing, to be a man. Don't worry, there are still plenty of us out here, that don't shave our chest, wear skinny jeans, and certainly don't worry about offending someone.
Just watched a great video of d'souza arguing with a liberal at Amherst college. Really like his point of view.
You know, I think it is important to realize that this is just the portrayal of the American Man in the media. This is no where NEAR being close to reality. I hear a lot of people rant about how "men these days" and "kids these days" and just ignore them. This is just history repeating itself, however the social media attention and the liberal slanting of the mainstream media makes it especially sensitive to others.

Not to worry gentlemen, there are really good men out there and we should not concentrate on the few that get the media attention. The reason they get attention is because they are so different, not because they are normal.
You know, I think it is important to realize that this is just the portrayal of the American Man in the media. This is no where NEAR being close to reality. I hear a lot of people rant about how "men these days" and "kids these days" and just ignore them. This is just history repeating itself, however the social media attention and the liberal slanting of the mainstream media makes it especially sensitive to others.

Not to worry gentlemen, there are really good men out there and we should not concentrate on the few that get the media attention. The reason they get attention is because they are so different, not because they are normal.

Exactly. The whole premise of media (on both sides) is psychological warfare. It's designed to change our minds' perception of what's 'normal' and who the 'experts' are, etc. It blows me away every time I'm on vacation away from tv or out backpacking how much more real and peaceful the world seems. Not having misinformation pounded in my head as I stare at a screen or read the news.
Exactly. The whole premise of media (on both sides) is psychological warfare. It's designed to change our minds' perception of what's 'normal' and who the 'experts' are, etc. It blows me away every time I'm on vacation away from tv or out backpacking how much more real and peaceful the world seems. Not having misinformation pounded in my head as I stare at a screen or read the news.

I invite you to Austin. Tell me how normal you think shit is after that. While I agree the nuts (on both sides) are a minority, I assure you they are gaining traction every day.
I invite you to Austin. Tell me how normal you think shit is after that. While I agree the nuts (on both sides) are a minority, I assure you they are gaining traction every day.

Oh, I agree there are nuts out there, but my main point was with the media continually bringing attention to them and trying to convince everyone that it is 'normal.'
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