Rausch Creek in tremont, PA 5/18-5/19


Guy with a Red 2-Door
We had a great turn out this past weekend for a two day meet up and wheeling weekend! NY,NJ,PA,MD, and VA wayalifers came out to have a good time! Not all of us were able to stay and wheel both days but we all still had a blast and looking forward to our next time out at Rausch!

Here are some pics from the first day when I was there. I'm sure the others will add to this.
This was a pretty hard step down that needed a lot of guidance
A little break to flex the 37's on the 2.5" teraflex lift. Didn't rub at all!!!
Just shooting the shit for a min
All the rigs in the quarry
The few that made the journey down into lake christy

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I think one of the best parts of the day (for me at least) was seeing Nubs push his sport 2 door on the tiny 28's it comes with through some of the tougher trails we went on! He was a champ and pushed the limits! He got stuck once but we rocked him off that rock in no time!

I'm looking forward to next trip!

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Massive upload sorry lol

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Love RC4x4 park hope to go there next month with my new to me TJ :( but it is a nice unlimited rubicon wanna try it out really bad there only thing is gotta go with wife and her lil wrangler sport,well it does have 33's on it :).

great pics guys, such a fun time like always. Wish I would have taken some more on my phone but I usually always forget.
great pics guys, such a fun time like always. Wish I would have taken some more on my phone but I usually always forget.

post up what you got!

but yea it was a great time! i happy the 37's didnt rub for you when you flexed! shows the 2.5 works! maybe its just for the 2 doors sice we tend to yeild a little more hight out of lifts anyway
The few I have


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looks good jim! we gotta try that trail (38b) the correct way next time! it was hard doing it backwards i cant imagin what its like forwards lol
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