Anyone besides me cheering for the animals in these videos? This one's pretty mild, but people are so incredibly stupid
People can be dumb!
When I was 15 or 16, my buddy and I went to try out his new elk call.
We were at the top of a large draw, and called, hearing a bull answer back. We kept calling, and each time he was closer.
After about 10 minutes, a large bull, far bigger than in the video, antlers past his ass, came out of the trees maybe 50 to 80 feet from us. When he broke cover and looked around, seeing us two dumbass kids instead of a cow elk to have his fun with, he was pissed. He snorted, pawed the ground like he was going to charge us, then turned back to the treeline, and shredded a cedar tree that was about 8 to 10 inches. Just turned it into toothpicks.
Like total dumbasses, we had left the crappy little camera we had in the truck, parked up the road. That was the end of the elk calling for a while, scared the shit out of both of us.