Random Pranks or Revenge Stories

An oldie but a goodie. Growing up my dad owned a construction company. By 10 or 12 I was driving backhoes and bulldozers.
One night while hanging out at a friend's house, his older sisters boyfriends were over. They were being macho assholes and bullying my friend and I. I eventually walked home crying.
A few days later my dad had his backhoe going around town digging neighbors out after a big snow storm. He then asked me to drive the backhoe back to his shop a few miles out of town. About a mile out of town, I came across a Camero stuck in the snow. As I approached the driver made his way out to flag me down. It was one of the bullies from a few nights previous. As an added bonus, something had happened and he was on crutches. I slowed down and removed my beanie, so he could clearly see me. I then flipped him the bird and drove off.
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