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Yeah, sometimes you just gotta slow down. I came off an on ramp at about 60, found some sand and dumped my CBR. It slid across the freeway and into the cable style guard rails. Totaled it, last bike I ever rode.

If you can't walk my beat unarmed, maybe you should consider becoming a police officer.

yea my whole thing was the same trooper two tickets back to back within a months time

first stop - careless and reckless driving, high rate of speed NC state trooper headed down the highway in and out of traffic at 90 in 65
second stop - reckless driving to endanger and speeding. same NC state trooper got me doing a wheelie at 120 on highway no traffic around at all

so I sold the bike to pay for the ticket all was dropped to improper equipment charge thanks to the lawyer for 700$ used the rest to fix up my jeep so it was still a win win either way ill never own another one i acted way to stupid and im sure if i never got those tickets I probably would have ended up hurt
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Bummer, but hey at least you still got a cool ride, you can ride with more peeps and chill with the doors n top off..lol

If you can't walk my beat unarmed, maybe you should consider becoming a police officer.
This guy doing 80+ south on 405 Frwy doing a :eek:
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Damn, hes runnin the Powerplant too isnt he!

If you can't walk my beat unarmed, maybe you should consider becoming a police officer.
looks alive standing agaisnt the truck if thats him. if not then nevermind that sucks. stuff like this keeps me feom wanting one myself

No he's dead, his head is stuck in the tractor trailer. That's why I said his head was like a milkshake. It was literally mush.
Please Don't hate, But I have to say, Some bikers earn the hits they take. If your an idiot, and you get hit/hit something Accept that your an idiot and move on (or move UP/Down to the other side like this guy).

I've hit, or more correctly been hit by a biker in heavy traffic going 20-25 miles per hour, I was in lane 2, with my blinker on to go to lane 3 (lane 3 slowed to let me in) and mid lane change I hear crunch, so I hit my breaks. Some idiot had been splitting lanes doing 40+, realized too late that I was now blocking the line, and tried to dodge into the gap, After he hit my car, the one in the third lane hit his breaks as soon as he could, but wound up with the bike under the front end. the biker had been thrown, and other than some road rash was ok. but he gets up, starts yelling at me, started kicking my car. I got out, grabbed him by the front of the helmet and a little less than subtley explained that if he moves again he may find himself injured (I'm 6'4" 275, he was 5'6" and maybe 180, he obeyed).

I then heard from the car on the bike that he had seen him splitting the lanes at high speed (Illegal) and knew that I could not have seen him. the police came, took his bike and our reports. I then got called into court by the biker, I explained what happened, that the biker became irate and assault/battered my vehicle and myself and When the police arrived he was issued citations (Driving to endanger, Lane violations, non use of signals, and a couple others). the Judges begged my forgivness for taking my time and ordered the biker to pay my expences for the day, damages to my car (dented rear drivers side door). along with the standard court fees.

BTW, both my parents are on Harley's, as are all their friends. I've had a family member almost die from a left turner "not seeing him comming" at 55mph on a main state route (it was an illegal left at that). So I have sympathy for most bikers, and ironically on the back of my car at that time was one of the "watch for motocycles" bumper stickers.
You should see the picture of his leg! Its split wide open and the basically just the bone is left intact. Its a little too graphic to post though. :eek:
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