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My neighbor has stopped me a few times to tell me to slow down. Thing is, there is a dip as you turn onto my street (he lives on the corner) so you cannot go that fast. Speed limit is 25 I can't take that corner faster then like 10. He tells me his kids play in the road and I could hit them. (And he wasn't nice about it) I kindly told him this is a road not a playground and to fuck off.

One thing that bothers me is the person that tries to run the neighborhood.


We would make perfect neighbors. I had a dick headed neighbor like that too. Always told me to slow down. I would ask him how does he know I'm speeding does he have a radar? Thing is, if I would have hit his kid he would have totaled my jeep! I love the parents that do not pay attention to their kids and then blame someone else for their poor parenting.
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