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Serious ricer, with the most annoying fart canon muffler 0 performance
The wind is because he's rear wheels make so much power that he's car tilts to the side when he drives Hahahahahhaha
What is that?
It's a Kia
If W were pres our war count would include:Afghanistan; Iraq; North Korea; Syria; Iran; a few Nations in Africa; Venezuela and Russia. I'm sure we would have to start the draft.

So rather than declare an official conflict with these nations, we just send "officials" and "aides" or airstrikes to this same list of countries. With the exception being Russia, and because Putin knows that our country is run by a bunch of spineless pussies, we now have Russian bombers flying into American airspace... I'll take the draft.

Even further, I think there should be a universal boot camp for every kid in America the summer after they turn 18. It would HOPEFULLY help straighten out these pansy ass MTV obsessed entitlement shit heads we've got running around this country. Plus, in the event of a draft, the turnaround would be shorter for getting people in the fight.


2013 CG JKU 6-speed
So rather than declare an official conflict with these nations, we just send "officials" and "aides" or airstrikes to this same list of countries. With the exception being Russia, and because Putin knows that our country is run by a bunch of spineless pussies, we now have Russian bombers flying into American airspace... I'll take the draft.

Even further, I think there should be a universal boot camp for every kid in America the summer after they turn 18. It would HOPEFULLY help straighten out these pansy ass MTV obsessed entitlement shit heads we've got running around this country. Plus, in the event of a draft, the turnaround would be shorter for getting people in the fight.


2013 CG JKU 6-speed

I agree about mandatory service in either military or civil service (preferably overseas to allow people to see and experience life other than the comfort zone) Think about the number of personnel it would take to have wars on 4 continents. Russian bombers and US incursions into their airspace have been going on since the Cold War for decades. (U2) Putin is just a mirror of our War Hawks.

On the draft: during the 60's it mobilized America into the Anti-War campaign. Vietnam was a war that should not have taken place.

Brankz- that Kia is body on frame; solid rear axel; 8" ground clearance and 2/4 wheel drive. It performs similar to a stock last gen Cherokee.
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