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LOL.......Just a little inside information........You have the right of refuse medical treatment and or transport if you are over the legal age (whichever is considered an adult in your state) and are of sound mind.......As a FF/PM I cannot legally transport you to a medical facility w/o your consent otherwise I could be prosecuted for false imprisonment and kidnapping........we don't charge for prehospital treatment only transport (ALS transport:$650....BLS transport:$575.....$10.00 per mile transport distance as well)......Most are covered by insurance.......but if you're not and your illness or injury is not life threatening and you have access to your own transportation you have that choice.......Most of the time I advise the patient to go to the hospital either way......err on the side of caution and just to have piece of mind.......if they refuse transport they sign a refusal and release my FD from any liability going forward..........stay safe out there everyone!

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