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We'll i'm glad to see that you or the other driver didn't get hurt Adam.....things could've turned out far worse i'm sure......thankfully it didn't.
Do you have a sitrep on the damage to the vehicles.......judging from the picture it doesn't look too bad but then again we can't see the damage once the vehicles were separated.


I didn't hit him. That is ttfhell and we were taking poser shots.
Aaah nice.........poser shots........you guys could be insurance fraud professionals.......you had me going for a second

Seriously??? :shock: Oh man, you really are using your coil overs for what they're worth!! I think it's time you upgraded your control arms to equal how hard you like to play. :crazyeyes:

Russ can break ANYTHING. Lmao. Seriously long arm and DTD buddy.
Ya know, I love my Nittos and think they perform way better on the rocks and bombing through the desert but, you might want to consider a set of Toyo's for your next set of tires. If I recall, this makes two for you, right? In all my years of running Toyos, I have never seen a sidewall failure. In fact, nobody I know who runs Toyos have.
We'll i'm glad to see that you or the other driver didn't get hurt Adam.....things could've turned out far worse i'm sure......thankfully it didn't.
Do you have a sitrep on the damage to the vehicles.......judging from the picture it doesn't look too bad but then again we can't see the damage once the vehicles were separated.


Shirley you can't be serious.
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