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First autumn leaves are appearing. It will soon be game on and I’ll be mowing and burning like a madman. Good times!!! Cocktails and Vegetation Interdiction!

First leaves on the ground.

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Lots more to come. 😳

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I have no trees in my backyard, one tree in the front that sheds its leaves late in the season but yet my yard collects leaves from all the other trees around me.

Every time I clean out the gutters, it's pine needles and cones from the neighbors #$%#$T pine tree.

I love this time of year far away up in the mountains but hate it like a fucker at home.
I have no trees in my backyard, one tree in the front that sheds its leaves late in the season but yet my yard collects leaves from all the other trees around me.

Every time I clean out the gutters, it's pine needles and cones from the neighbors #$%#$T pine tree.

I love this time of year far away up in the mountains but hate it like a fucker at home.
Gutter guards are your friend. Much less cleaning!
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