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When my dad lived in Snohomish in the 1980’s we did a lot of hiking and backpacking in the Olympic. We also used to Jeep camp on the beach near La Push, it was great sitting around a big driftwood fire and drinking Rainier Beer. Good times.
i don't need anymore encouragement !!!!!!!!!!
I've been to La Push...all of the beaches on the Peninsula are beautiful...and can be dangerous to enter the water due to the logs rolling in to the beach...razor clams and surf perch are a thing along the coast.

I’m all about beach combing but I stay out of the water there for those exact reasons.
Wife is remodeling my home office and picked up this famous print for me. This one is the 19th century copy of the original painting by Benjamin West. Pained back in 1771-1772 depicting Penn's treaty with Lenni Lenape tribe at Shackamaxon on Delaware River.


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Had to go to the office to pick up some items and while I am there wife is on the parking lot taking pictures. Little birds were beating this predator up big time !!! Anyone knows who the big bird was?


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Had to go to the office to pick up some items and while I am there wife is on the parking lot taking pictures. Little birds were beating this predator up big time !!! Anyone knows who the big bird was?
definitely a hawk, doesn't look like the Redtails around here but the one's in the neighborhood get picked on/attacked by the black cow birds so much they drove them out of their nest.
Now the damn squirrels are out of control again.
"You're going the wrong way - I said that tree over there!"
When my dad lived in Snohomish in the 1980’s we did a lot of hiking and backpacking in the Olympic. We also used to Jeep camp on the beach near La Push, it was great sitting around a big driftwood fire and drinking Rainier Beer. Good times.
Heck yeah, good ol’ vitamin R. I used to live in port Angeles, right on the border of the park. Love that area.
Had to go to the office to pick up some items and while I am there wife is on the parking lot taking pictures. Little birds were beating this predator up big time !!! Anyone knows who the big bird was?
some great action shots...it could be a juvenile bald eagle...
Why did the box turtle cross the road?

Mostly because I carried him across so his slow ass would not get crushed!

This stretch of road is always busy with these guys. Box as well as ‘Painted Turtles’ are aways crossing here.

Pictures appear foggy because it’s super humid today and my camera lens fogged up.


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