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I saw this in a parking lot today! I guess he doesn't want anyone to steel that engine!:cheesy:

View attachment 199092View attachment 199093

I'm surprised he didn't have a cover on it to protect that awesome paint job!:idontknow:

That was my first car except mine was white then more and more grey as the paint flaked off..haha

What are you talking about, that's an infamous kcar isn't it.... I wouldn't want anyone to be cursed, I mean steal it from me either. :cheesy: cheesy:

Actually its a Plymouth Acclaim it came out after the Dodge Reliant (K)...haha
You've been into a public toilet right? Isn't it obvious?

If you've ever had a job cleaning public facilities you wouldn't even have to ask. People are animals. :grayno:

My german shepherd has better potty manners than many adult humans.
You've been into a public toilet right? Isn't it obvious?

If you've ever had a job cleaning public facilities you wouldn't even have to ask. People are animals. :grayno:

The one that gets me is top right. Who is just taking a shit on the ground next to the toilet.
The one that gets me is top right. Who is just taking a shit on the ground next to the toilet.

If you've ever been to Dumont or Glamis and used one of the vault toilets, seems its better to shit on the floor next to the toilet rather than shit into the vault. I don't get it and hate when I score latrine duty there. People are nasty!
Where can I order those signs for my shop bathrooms?

To keep moral up I clean the restrooms behind my employees.
I don't get why used toilet paper is tossed in the corner vs flushing it and why my guys eat sunflower seeds while peeing in the urinal. Does gum go flavorless when you urinate? Maybe they do all of this because they know their boss is going to be the one cleaning.
Some parts of this thread are disturbing. Unfortunately it seems hard for too many to be decent. I did get a kick out of the hot air sign though:)
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