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only spanish phrase you need- "Yo quiero mas grande cerveza en el mundo"

Let me fix it for you

Yo quiero la cerveza mas grande del mundo..........

I did not know she was a girl
And you guys start making fun of my English
And yea I never have been off road but I will. U guys go back to random pics
Aww JAGS. Look at my pics, Im not flexin at Walmart..lol.. Sorry I picked on one of the "cliqued up" members. Sorry, but Im not the only one that posts random shit. Im just a black sheep here is all. Im good with that though. Dont let my words bother you, its ok for one person to give another a hard time, but not ok when I do it? Fair enough!

Paratroopers Stay Up Longer!
Aww JAGS. Look at my pics, Im not flexin at Walmart..lol.. Sorry I picked on one of the "cliqued up" members. Sorry, but Im not the only one that posts random shit. Im just a black sheep here is all. Im good with that though. Dont let my words bother you, its ok for one person to give another a hard time, but not ok when I do it? Fair enough!

Paratroopers Stay Up Longer!

I am pretty sure JAGS post was not to you sir... :blush:
Aww JAGS. Look at my pics, Im not flexin at Walmart..lol.. Sorry I picked on one of the "cliqued up" members. Sorry, but Im not the only one that posts random shit. Im just a black sheep here is all. Im good with that though. Dont let my words bother you, its ok for one person to give another a hard time, but not ok when I do it? Fair enough!

Paratroopers Stay Up Longer!

You should go to the doctor because it is clear your butt is still sore.
I assumed it was considering the ^^^^^ pointing at my post. Sorry if I was mistaken. Im just used to being blasted..lol

Paratroopers Stay Up Longer!
Aww JAGS. Look at my pics, Im not flexin at Walmart..lol.. Sorry I picked on one of the "cliqued up" members. Sorry, but Im not the only one that posts random shit. Im just a black sheep here is all. Im good with that though. Dont let my words bother you, its ok for one person to give another a hard time, but not ok when I do it? Fair enough!

Paratroopers Stay Up Longer!

:idontknow::idontknow: That was for Banks, but OK. Wee bit trigger happy. :thinking:

And yeah, I'm making up for my lonely high school days because now I can get "cliqued up" here. :cheesy::cheesy:
What this thread needs is one of these right in the nuts.... except for orangcrushrGRL.

(self photo taken with slow action timer).

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