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Read this warning sticker at a Sheetz gas station last night...


I didn't think this warning conveys the severity of that situation very well so I fixed it...

Pulled up to a coworkers house and... yep 2 dogs hung up.

View attachment 174557

I don't know what's funnier, the dogs humping or you taking a picture of it, lol.

Funny story: When my bro and I were both teenagers and immature of course, we took my mom's camera and snapped a couple pics of the dogs humping in the back yard. Well we had forgotten that our mom only developed film every couple years. So needless to say, we totally forgot about the pictures over time.....till one day when she gets them developed......so along with 2 years of various family events and pictures of the kids etc, there's 2 random pictures in their of the dogs humping ! She was so confused at first but then realized there were only 2 people in the house immature enough to do that.
I don't know what's funnier, the dogs humping or you taking a picture of it, lol.

Funny story: When my bro and I were both teenagers and immature of course, we took my mom's camera and snapped a couple pics of the dogs humping in the back yard. Well we had forgotten that our mom only developed film every couple years. So needless to say, we totally forgot about the pictures over time.....till one day when she gets them developed......so along with 2 years of various family events and pictures of the kids etc, there's 2 random pictures in their of the dogs humping ! She was so confused at first but then realized there were only 2 people in the house immature enough to do that.


That funny and bet it would have been priceless to see the look on your mom's face when flipping through those pics!
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