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Serious? I have almost 19,000 on mine and I have had it for just under 10 months.

So I found this.
I was looking for my fender and I saw this 1 for 100 buck, when I clic on it this pic pop up, so that is the flares or they selling the fender but shows up other pic. View attachment 27536
If this is high jacking let me know and I take it out... Sorry in advance lol

Branks ...
WAYALIFE mobile app

Look on the San Diego craigslist. There is a complete set for $100 or $75, I forget which.
So I found this.
I was looking for my fender and I saw this 1 for 100 buck, when I clic on it this pic pop up, so that is the flares or they selling the fender but shows up other pic. View attachment 27536
If this is high jacking let me know and I take it out... Sorry in advance lol
Branks ...
WAYALIFE mobile app

Hey branks, you looking for a new fender? That appears to be front fender image. I may have a set to sell you, minus the liners.
Yea I need the fender not the flares I don't know y does show up. Of u have it pm me so we work something out

Branks ...
WAYALIFE mobile app
Yea I need the fender not the flares I don't know y does show up. Of u have it pm me so we work something out

Branks ...
WAYALIFE mobile app

Dude branks, it's late, but still check your posts. LMAO. Not sure what you just said. :crazyeyes:

You need fenders? Front Fenders? I have front driver and front passenger fenders like in your pic. But I don't have the inner fender liners.
Look on the San Diego craigslist. There is a complete set for $100 or $75, I forget which.[/QUOTE]

really great bro thanks :)

That a good deal, but eventually you're going to want to cut them. I found my steal flares on Amazon of all places $150+/- w/shipping. They were easy as hell to get on and are pretty tough.
Look on the San Diego craigslist. There is a complete set for $100 or $75, I forget which.

That a good deal, but eventually you're going to want to cut them. I found my steal flares on Amazon of all places $150+/- w/shipping. They were easy as hell to get on and are pretty tough.[/QUOTE]

I don't need the flares, I need the real fender.

Branks ...
WAYALIFE mobile app
I'll have you know that is my MONDAY car. Don't judge me, back in 2001 that racing stripe was the bees knees sonny.

I'll agree.......add on the 3' high by 6' wide erector set wing on the deck lid......a 6" diameter outfall pipe tip for exhaust, and Turtle Wax the front nose of the car........maybe throw in a 300hp vinyl graphics kit on the sides.....fire extinguisher on one A post and some random gauges on the other A post......nobody would think twice about trying you.......image.jpgthe late 90's early 2000's street imports were hilarious to see
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