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So yesterday morning was "sunny" like always I go to work topless on the jeep (sunny day) 3 hours go by and out off the nothing get all cloudy and start raining hard.
My jeep got all wet 😔View attachment 151594
I had to buy this cover and trow it in the jeep lol

Today was cloudy and a bit of sun
Again I was topless weather man say no rain

And this happen again
View attachment 151595


If this is not random I don't know what it is

The weather was calling for rain the last two days. They were actually spot on with the time on Tuesday and 2 hours off on Wednesday. Not sure what you are watching or reading.

We have some interesting visitors at my new house. This guy just walked in from my neighbor's yard, through ours, and now is shooting some hoops in the other neighbor's driveway.
I go to Phoenix for work occasionally, it was 118* last time I was there. That's sooooo hot. I don't know how you do it.

This is going to be our first full Summer (moved out from San Diego last July) and already we are getting record breaking heat. It's definitely hard to get used to.
I go to Phoenix for work occasionally, it was 118* last time I was there. That's sooooo hot. I don't know how you do it.

Anyone In their right mind has a remote start on their vehicle and a good a/c on their house...... That they get checked religiously every year. Other than that we all have to be a little crazy to live herehere.
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