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LMAO! Loving the sense of humor through this. Keep on keepin on brother :thumb:

Haha! What else can you really do man? Cancer is crazy man. It comes out of nowhere and there's nothing you can do about it.

I was still running/swimming and lifting every day and working like 50 hours a week. I cut my leg at work and it got infected. When they were doing blood work for the infection they found that I had 70% blast cells in my blood, the next 20% was white blood cells from the infection and the remaining 10% was everything else that I need to survive. I truly had no idea either. I wasn't tired, wasn't feeling sick, my numbers/times hadn't changed one bit. It's a trip.

Cancer is a sneaky sonofabitch. If you don't learn to keep your sanity and sense of humor through the battle, it will kill you faster than the Cancer will.


2013 CG JKU 6-speed
What's that for??? Lol.  About as divisive as politics is the battle over what OS and device you run/is better.

yeah i really dont like the whole, "hey look at the stuff we got from suing someone and now claiming it as our stuff, which is better then your stuff" debate its just wrong
My favorite jeep ever.


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