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My daughter got her license a few weeks ago... My dad gave her his 04 Acura TL.

I spent Sunday teaching her how to detail her car :) she did great, from clay bar to compound and polish.

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Always a self esteem boost when I see a 16y/o driving a nicer car than me.

Well don't get to down on yourself... it's 10yo and has 236000 on the clock... but its a good first car for her. It has summer tires and a winter set. Gets reasonable mpg too. ;)

And like Sean said... don't you have a '13' JK?
Was mostly just kidding. Newer doesn't mean nicer. But yeah I'd much rather have my Jeep :bleh: My first car was a 71 Nova I got for $500 lol. Wasn't anything special, but it got me around.
Was mostly just kidding. Newer doesn't mean nicer. But yeah I'd much rather have my Jeep :bleh: My first car was a 71 Nova I got for $500 lol. Wasn't anything special, but it got me around.

That is true. She really wants a Jeep but since she didn't listen and save the money she made, this is what she has to drive. Which is a nice car, but she would rather have a Jeep.... which makes me a proud daddy :D :clap2:
So I bet no one has received one of these before. Had to go to the local community college testing center to take a test for work when my ebreak decided to fail... Was also in gear but apparently the parking lot was steep enough to turn the engine over. I walked outside and was like..... Where's my jeep...

So I bet no one has received one of these before. Had to go to the local community college testing center to take a test for work when my ebreak decided to fail... Was also in gear but apparently the parking lot was steep enough to turn the engine over. I walked outside and was like..... Where's my jeep...

View attachment 93577

Damn, that was nice of them. Still some decent people in the world :yup:
So I bet no one has received one of these before. Had to go to the local community college testing center to take a test for work when my ebreak decided to fail... Was also in gear but apparently the parking lot was steep enough to turn the engine over. I walked outside and was like..... Where's my jeep...

View attachment 93577

Buy that girl a drink! Damn nice of her to help you out bro. Jeep ok?
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