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Can't air down tires that don't have a sidewall. Based on the dirt pattern you can tell he doesn't even run them at the right pressure.

Yep, that poor Jeep will never be more than a street queen. Oh well, to each their own.
unlike the trolls that come here....its not worth my time to track them down to defend myself or the site. I could honestly care less what they say about me or anyone else on another site

Oh no! I will attack like a dog protecting hes puppy's lol
I thought they stopped putting diamond plate on vehicles in the early 90's. Did I miss something?

He must live on Long Island somewhere to have a rig like that. Nobody else in the state would do that.
No, that be Ludski, and he calls his Jeep the Red Widow.

Ahhahahah hahahahah yea I seen that kid lol

Hes banned from jk forum and jk freaks, how some gets banned from those forums.

He's the biggest d bag in the jeep community.

How he got kicked from waya?
Ahhahahah hahahahah yea I seen that kid lol

Hes banned from jk forum and jk freaks, how some gets banned from those forums.

He's the biggest d bag in the jeep community.

How he got kicked from waya?

He will never be a part of Wayalife.
Ahhahahah hahahahah yea I seen that kid lol

Hes banned from jk forum and jk freaks, how some gets banned from those forums.

He's the biggest d bag in the jeep community.

How he got kicked from waya?

He has never been a member here.
But his videos are so helpful. :rolleyes: I know him and prime8 run in the same circle both being former members of a jeep club I belong to.

Sent from the"Zone of Influence"

He's your buddy? And are you been sarcastic in the helpful videos?
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