unlike the trolls that come here....its not worth my time to track them down to defend myself or the site. I could honestly care less what they say about me or anyone else on another site
Is this that spoiled brat from Chicago's Jeep? :big_boss:
unlike the trolls that come here....its not worth my time to track them down to defend myself or the site. I could honestly care less what they say about me or anyone else on another site
Lol! It wouldn't surprise me.
Is this that spoiled brat from Chicago's Jeep? :big_boss:
No, that be Ludski, and he calls his Jeep the Red Widow.
No, that be Ludski, and he calls his Jeep the Red Widow.
Its pretty bad when people thousands of miles away from you know your name. Lol , he is a special kinda stupid that's for sure.
Sent from the"Zone of Influence"
We've had a run in with him before.
Ahhahahah hahahahah yea I seen that kid lol
Hes banned from jk forum and jk freaks, how some gets banned from those forums.
He's the biggest d bag in the jeep community.
How he got kicked from waya?
Ahhahahah hahahahah yea I seen that kid lol
Hes banned from jk forum and jk freaks, how some gets banned from those forums.
He's the biggest d bag in the jeep community.
How he got kicked from waya?
What's the name of the thread? How can I find it ? Lol
He will never be a part of Wayalife.
But his videos are so helpful.I know him and prime8 run in the same circle both being former members of a jeep club I belong to.
Sent from the"Zone of Influence"