Random Photos

Here's a random photo. So last week my son accidentally swallowed a metal coin that came with something Mario he has. At first the doc said it would pass but that might be started to uncontrollably vomit so we rushed to local ER. They talked with children's hospital in Birmingham and we were sent there. They ended up going down the throat and pulling it out. Have kids they said.
Definitely not a fun visit. Looks like it blocked his intestines. Glad he’s ok and they got it out.
We have a huge deer population in our neighborhood. A doe has her fawns in our backyard every year. Saw that she has triplets this year. I’ve given up on trying to grow any plants since she teaches them where to find the good stuff.

Thats awesome, well, except for the plants. We put in an underground fence on about 2 acres to allow our dogs to patrol & keep the deer away from the house & garden. It's funny watching then interact. The deer have learned to keep away from the boundry and the two have a detente going on. They'll eye each other up from 10 feet away & go about their business. Mild winters here & light hunting pressure has led to a small population boom the past several years. We've always had deer in our fields but we're regularly seeing 20 a night now
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