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It really was. Enough so that I'm still cracking up about it. :cheesy:

I don't eat Doritos anymore. I only like one flavor and I can't seem to find them ANYWHERE!

If anyone's got a line on the Spicy Sweet Chili ones (they come in a purple bag) lmk. I'm jonesing hardcore.
Better not let the government know your plans... that automatically converts your gun from hunting to assault weapon dont-cha-know!

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Its for home defense lol I asked a sheriff if it was illegal and he told me that as long as the barrel is 18" long I could have it??
Yes I hope he was. Louie you are correct, so long as you don't modify your barrel and it is at least 18" you are good. Don't mind Strizzy I think all that SF air is making him more liberal.

Sweet! Hope he don't trade in that jku for a Prius haha
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