Random (non-Jeep) Shit You’re Working On....

Latest update from Yours Truly, The Roadrunner. I decided to buy more traps for more options. Coyote hasn't gone away. He's still here about once a week. Monday I put in two more flat sets at trail intersections close to my initial spot. He has to use these one of these intersections to access where I see him every time. I used different baits and lures for each set.

Monday night he shows up and checks it out. Blue dot is the trap. Red dot no trap but he had his feet there the whole time. He reaches his neck out, smells trap, leaves. Comes back a minute later, smells trap, books off quick.


Next morning, I put another trap right on the red dot. Very narrow trail by the way. No bait, no lure, no urine. I cover it with leaves lightly. Hoping he'll step on it while walking through. Next night:


Motherfucker stops two feet short of it, and smells the new trap and leaves. Dude is driving me fucking crazy. Last night, no show.

So today I added a couple new baits and small holes to the blue trap and also put some new lures left of the blue trap. Hoping the new smells will make him curious enough to walk right through the red trap. I also moved the camera a little for some better shots. Black lines are the trails. He always comes from the right side of the screen.

These mf'ers will smell everything. They're almost impossible to catch. Like said, you may want to consider a night hunt with rabbit calls & such.
After watching him two nights ago, I genuinely have much more respect for their noses. I feel along the way that I may have over done baits and lures. If it's out there, they'll find it. No need for overkill.
dead critter clean out on JKU, not sure what it started out as, but it was along the ECU and bent down into an opening on the side of the ECU mounting area. Had to use pliers to pull it out, still stunk a little but it was dry.
Unfortunately, after removing it, I did not find any chewed wires so rear ABS, both sides, still being an asshole.

dead critter clean out on JKU, not sure what it started out as, but it was along the ECU and bent down into an opening on the side of the ECU mounting area. Had to use pliers to pull it out, still stunk a little but it was dry.
Unfortunately, after removing it, I did not find any chewed wires so rear ABS, both sides, still being an asshole.
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We need an official critter thread, lol.
Of course he came in from the wrong way last night.


But this did give him an opportunity to check out the trap at the other entrance for the first time ever. Blue dot is about where it's at.


I went back to the photos from Monday and went out and measured. 17 inches from feet to nose on the ground. I placed a few more smelly holes at that exact distance from the traps in all locations. Who knows.
Of course he came in from the wrong way last night.

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But this did give him an opportunity to check out the trap at the other entrance for the first time ever. Blue dot is about where it's at.

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I went back to the photos from Monday and went out and measured. 17 inches from feet to nose on the ground. I placed a few more smelly holes at that exact distance from the traps in all locations. Who knows.
man those guys are smart! Good luck getting him.
Of course he came in from the wrong way last night.

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But this did give him an opportunity to check out the trap at the other entrance for the first time ever. Blue dot is about where it's at.

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I went back to the photos from Monday and went out and measured. 17 inches from feet to nose on the ground. I placed a few more smelly holes at that exact distance from the traps in all locations. Who knows.
Time to go on the offensive!
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