Random (non-Jeep) Shit You’re Working On....

Did you boil your traps & leave them outside to weather some to get rid of your scent? Take care with gloves as well - those guys will smell everything out of place. Them and foxes are a bitch to trap. Never had any luck with either of them way back when I trapped.

edit - we used bunches of sumac 'berries' and/or walnut husks that would put a good dye on them. You want to boil the oils from the steel. Some would dip in hot wax to coat but probably don't need t go that far unless you take it up & run some lines.
The traps I got are supposed to be oil free right out of the box. Plus the cool kids on the web use them out of the box with great success. Gloves I'm using are for trapping only. They're covered in dirt. I've remade and relocated these traps several times. They spend days in the dirt. I'm not worried about dye/wax for rust. I don't plan on leaving these out longer than needed.
Still dealing with this clown. He's been inches from the traps numerous times and has been chasing my deer. When he's not there, I've caught several coons and a possum. Since adding peanut butter, he's gotten more frequent. And the deer have gotten less frequent as he's around. Hoping to catch him soon. I've tried commercial baits, my own bait, dog food, and coyote urine. He definitely smells every one but usually keeps walking instead of taking further interest in pursuing the bait.

And that's poison ivy in the foreground. I must have kicked up some oil on me while digging the traps (lots of roots) and now dealing with that shit too. Fuck this guy.

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If you haven’t removed Wile E. by the Jeep Invasion let me know. I’ll bring some stuff down and we can make it happen.
This was the newest bait:


Obviously worked. He showed up 4 times last night. It was the first night that he's actually engaged the set. Unfortunately it's been raining and he pulled so much mud onto the trap that it was packed down with several inches of mud. Had he stepped on it before digging, it likely would have been game over. We'll try again tonight.
He didn't show up to the party last night. After watching the footage again from Friday night, I decided to remake the trap. I buried two in a trench that's about four inches deep. I'm hoping it forces him to step down into that area and keep his feet in there. I also moved the front one closer to the hole. In process:


And the finished set:

He didn't show up to the party last night. After watching the footage again from Friday night, I decided to remake the trap. I buried two in a trench that's about four inches deep. I'm hoping it forces him to step down into that area and keep his feet in there. I also moved the front one closer to the hole. In process:

View attachment 406412

And the finished set:

View attachment 406413
Best of luck to you with this new setup
Nothing like a stupid possum risking the hard work of setting off the trap. Thankfully for cell camera notifications and fully auto airsoft guns, he's left the area. No video footage of the retreat, but the audio of incoming rounds confirmed his departure. I have to assume the traps are still good.


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