Random Internet Shit you've come across

Here is the just of it from rock auto
Dear Arizona Customer,

I'm asking you to write Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs today, for both our sakes.

Here's why...

Although we are in Wisconsin, RockAuto has collected and paid Arizona sales tax since 2019 (when a new law taxing out-of-state businesses took effect). But recently, the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADoR) convinced the Court of Appeals we were physically present in Arizona before 2019 without knowing it. Somehow, every Arizona factory and wholesaler selling auto parts to RockAuto became a RockAuto branch office ("distributor") when we asked them to ship parts directly to our customers. Address labels became stores, refrigerator magnets became salespeople and, magically, RockAuto was in Arizona (and liable for tax under old law).

It was like watching Monty Python put a fake nose on a woman and declare she's a witch because she weighs the same as a duck. But, as explained in this news article, the effects are frighteningly real:
Our culture is sick, weak, and failing. Historically that’s when a culture gets eclipsed by a stronger and more virile culture. It has happened to many societies in the past and unfortunately it’s happening to us now. It does not please me to say this but I must speak the truth.
It has been failing for several decades. "Peace, Love, Dope" generation sowed the fruits of the seeds planted earlier.
No one is responsible for their own decisions and the Government will save us all. 🙄
Here is the just of it from rock auto
Dear Arizona Customer,

I'm asking you to write Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs today, for both our sakes.

Here's why...

Although we are in Wisconsin, RockAuto has collected and paid Arizona sales tax since 2019 (when a new law taxing out-of-state businesses took effect). But recently, the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADoR) convinced the Court of Appeals we were physically present in Arizona before 2019 without knowing it. Somehow, every Arizona factory and wholesaler selling auto parts to RockAuto became a RockAuto branch office ("distributor") when we asked them to ship parts directly to our customers. Address labels became stores, refrigerator magnets became salespeople and, magically, RockAuto was in Arizona (and liable for tax under old law).

It was like watching Monty Python put a fake nose on a woman and declare she's a witch because she weighs the same as a duck. But, as explained in this news article, the effects are frighteningly real:
Another "Woke" company getting scared. But they already shit in their mess kit by ditching Active Military and Veteran discounts...

Another "Woke" company getting scared. But they already shit in their mess kit by ditching Active Military and Veteran discounts...

Lowe’s still around ? I quit going there years ago
I have a lot of family there. So many commies have moved there and keep voting commie. I really don't understand why someone would flee a shithole for a better place and then vote the same way to make their new place of living a shithole. It's a real cancer destroying good places.

It’s sad and one of the reasons I will not be moving back.

Far too many voters cannot understand cause and effect.
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