Random Internet Shit you've come across

No one cares.
Someone does, that sumbitch bans about forty percent of the members there. A whole lot of them are also on here. Scroll through the threads and see how many are crossed out. Insane because the majority of them provided good knowledge.
At least here we’re allowed some leeway in the discourse.👍
Someone does, that sumbitch bans about forty percent of the members there. A whole lot of them are also on here. Scroll through the threads and see how many are crossed out. Insane because the majority of them provided good knowledge.
At least here we’re allowed some leeway in the discourse.👍
I don't care to visit. Didn't even know that place was still around. I remember when the gladiator came out and that place was sucking dick like crazy to make a name for themselves. No one cared then and no one cares now . Fucking whores.
I don't care to visit. Didn't even know that place was still around. I remember when the gladiator came out and that place was sucking dick like crazy to make a name for themselves. No one cared then and no one cares now . Fucking whores.
Don’t visit their Wrangler forums either then I’m guessing.🤷‍♂️
There’s beneficial information scattered throughout various forums. People not so much.😉
Just like a drug dealer, get people hooked on something for free, then yank the rug and start charging for it.

I know people that do so many things on these overpriced baby monitors that they'll pay whatever to not lose the service.

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