Random Internet Shit you've come across

Don’t normally let shit get under my skin because life is too short. But, this pisses me the fuck off. Worked way too hard for way too long, paid way too damn many taxes, and am still paying taxes on taxes that I already paid. And now fucking illegal aliens who’ve contributed not a God damned thing to this country get this type of compensation for invading this once great nation.😡IMG_7397.jpeg
Please do some research on this. Both my father and father in law went on statins to lower their cholesterol and both died from Alzheimer’s.
I was told that happens when you take statins sometimes. I’m not sure. My dad died from Alzheimer’s too.
That’s bullshit, rather not die from Alzheimer’s if possible. So if that means having high cholesterol, so be it.
My family has a extremely high cholesterol levels. Both my father and mother had it, but especially my mother.
Her father died of a massive heart attack at 45.
She had levels so high that calcified deposits of it would bind to certain tendons in her body and grow there. Painful as fuck.
I know this because I have them too, but to a lesser degree.
They're on both Achilles tendons, my carpals, and one on my wrist.
She had bypass surgery, carotid surgery, and some stents.

She died at 78, but she smoked her entire life and really didn't eat healthy.
She tried exercise for years, but eventually just kind of gave up.
She was on Repatha and statins.

My dad had bypass surgery at age 54, some stents later on in life, maybe around 70, and he was on a pacemaker/defib for decades.
He died in April at 93.5.
Despite the years and year on statins, he remained quite active for as long as he could, before neuropathy and kidney failure took more than he could get back.
Mentally, he was always sharp as a tack. An incredible memory, going back to when he was about 6 years old.
It took him 3 weeks with no food and little water to give out. He chose that path and we made him comfortable and supported it.
Bravest fucking thing I have ever witnessed. He died within 24 hours of us requesting that the pacemaker be deactivated. The defib part was turned off before he went into hospice.

I'll be 65 in November.
I had what was termed as an "all but heart attack" at age 46. I had 4X bypass surgery and was placed on statins. I had stents put in 10 years later.
Yes, they take a toll. They make your joints ache, they do harm to your liver if you don't take supplements to counter the effects, and you have to work hard to maintain strength and muscle mass. You have to make yourself do things that your body really would rather not.

Our cholesterol levels are programming errors. Diet only has minimal effects.
If I stay on a high protein and high fat keto type diet, my numbers actually do better, contrary to what everyone was being preached in the 80's and 90's.
Sugar is bad. It's bad for cholesterol, diabetes, mental capacity, and just about everything else. Refined simple sugars and starches.
Complex sugars are fine. Your body takes what it needs and discards the remains.

I am on Repatha and statins now. The Repatha has made a tremendous difference, and I cut back on the statins, even though the doctors don't know it.

We've had zero dementia and Alzheimer's in our family. No cancer either.
I honestly think that cholesterol staves off cancer.
Who you know who's had both high cholesterol and cancer?

Last winter I forced myself to get outside and work hard. Cut down seven big trees, cut them up, loaded the wood on trailers for my neighbors, and cleared all the brush.
When I started, I could got maybe an hour before I needed a serious break.
By the second week, I could go a half day with the only breaks being refilling the chainsaw and sharpening the blade.

Staying active is essential. I do much better on cold weather than in heat.
Anyway, I'm in better shape than I have been in a decade, and I'm taking steps to stay that way.

I have also broken the eating for the sake of eating habits that are the American lifestyle.
Sometimes I go all day with nothing but water, especially if I am not particularly active.

Human advances in access to food have greatly outpaced our genetics. Our programming still thinks any meal we get may be our last for days and days, so it burns what it is asked to burn efficiently, and the rest is placed into reserves for the possible long haul until we find the next thing to eat.
Apply that programming to 3 squares a day and snacks in between, while cruising through the day in a chair, car or truck seat, and barely using any calories at all, and it's a recipe for disaster.

I'll probably get killed by a fucking hornet's nest or a bear.
Human advances in access to food have greatly outpaced our genetics. Our programming still thinks any meal we get may be our last for days and days, so it burns what it is asked to burn efficiently, and the rest is placed into reserves for the possible long haul until we find the next thing to eat.
Apply that programming to 3 squares a day and snacks in between, while cruising through the day in a chair, car or truck seat, and barely using any calories at all, and it's a recipe for disaster.
Not necessarily sure what is being produced as food is actually an advancement. Ultra-processed foods are poisons. Basically the governments reccomendations for eating. Do the opposite what the government suggests and you’ll be ok pretty much without exception. Yes sugar is the biggest culprit but artificial sweeteners are just as bad or worse. My wife had very high cholesterol Dr of course wanted to put her on statins she said let me try diet and excercise first. Took ALL refined sugar out of her diet including anything that contained sugar or corn syrup ETC. six months later she’s within range. Dr wouldn’t believe it insisted she must have been taking the statins.
Sounds like for you and your family they help as your levels are sky high and causing damage the issue arises because the pharmaceutical companies want every one to be on them even if they are not needed.
• Michigan was called by 154,188 votes.

• A record 5,579,317 votes were cast and certified in Michigan in the 2020 General Election, the highest turnout in 60 years. To date, Michigan has never shown 5,579,317 voters listed for the 2020 Election in its Qualified Voter File, the state’s database for all voter registration records.

• As of December 2023, Michigan has 271,566 more votes than the number of voters listed in its Qualified Voter File for Nov. 3, 2020, more than one and a half times the Election margin.

• In data obtained from the Secretary of State’s office on nearly a monthly basis since the Election, the most voters ever recorded in the Qualified Voter File was 5,511,303 voters in April 2021. This means Michigan’s own election records showed 68,014 more votes than voters. However, the number of voters listed in the Qualified Voter File has been in flux ever since December 2020, and always short of the voters needed to reconcile the total votes cast. A complete list of voters from 2020 has never been provided.

• The number of voter IDs listed as voting in 2020 has steadily declined since February 2022. As of December 2023, there was a total of 5,307,751 voters listed as voting on Nov. 3, 2020 in the Qualified Voter File. Voter history files continue to be removed from the record, resulting in 271,566 less vote history records than necessary to reconcile the results.

• Each month voter histories from the 2020 Election are being manipulated. Thousands of unique votes are removed from the voter history files, and other unique votes added. Since December 2020, 270,559 voter histories for 2020 have been removed, while 103,128 have been added.

• Individual voter histories are constantly changing, including the history of the state’s Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer, whose voting history is missing votes throughout 2020.

• A complete list of voters was requested via a Freedom of Information Act request in December 2021 and took nine months for the state to fulfill. Two datasets were provided, and neither matched. The first dataset fell 22,146 voters short, while the second dataset was 120,883 absentee ballots short.

• Democrats threatened Republicans on the Wayne County Board of Canvassers and doxxed children in order to certify the 2020 results. Monica Palmer, then the chair of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors, cited the fact that 70 percent of Detroit’s mail-in ballot counts were still “out of balance and unexplained” from the August primary as a reason why she initially voted against certifying the 2020 Election results. Palmer was “bullied and threatened” and “feared for her safety” due to threats she received for voting no. A Democrat Michigan State representative-elect attacked Palmer over her certification vote, and revealed where her children went to school, saying, “I want you to think about what that means for your kids.”

• Officials in Detroit illegally blocked Republican poll challengers’ access, covered the windows, called the cops, and denied lawful challenges in order to count ballots in secret.

• Affidavits and video evidence revealed thousands of ballots were delivered through a back door of the TCF center, the central counting facility in Detroit, at 3:30 a.m. on Election night.

• A report seeking to “debunk” issues of fraud released by the Michigan State Senate Oversight Committee confirmed a “large volume” of ballots were delivered to the TCF center with no chain of custody in the middle of the night.

• An estimated 289,866 absentee ballots were identified as sent to people who never requested them, “something that would be illegal,” according to the senate committee.

• Mark Zuckerberg gave Michigan $16.8 million through his nonprofit Center for Tech and Civic Life.

• Detroit received $7.4 million to “dramatically” expand the vote for Democrats. The grants financed drop boxes “to facilitate the return of absentee ballots,” like the ones that came in the TCF center after midnight.

• The election integrity group True the Vote uncovered the same pattern of widespread ballot trafficking between NGOs and ballot drop boxes in Michigan. Numerous instances of ballot stuffing were caught on camera in Detroit, including video where a woman can be seen going to a drop box, and abruptly returning to her car after realizing the stack had no signatures. The woman then signs the ballots, and deposits the illicit ballots she had just signed into the drop box.

• Secretary Jocelyn Benson made unlawful changes to signature verification rules for absentee ballots, ordering election workers to presume all were legitimate. A judge ruled Benson’s order was invalid, but not until months following the election, and just 0.1 percent of mail-in ballots were rejected in the November 2020 Election for all signature issues. The rejection rate for mismatching signatures was just 0.04 percent, as only 1,400 out of 3.4 million ballots were rejected.

• Secretary Benson has lost in court six times for issues related to the 2020 Election.

• A fraudulent voter registration scheme was discovered in October 2020 and documented in a police report in Muskegon County and hidden for nearly 3 years after the 2020 Election.

• A city clerk in Muskegon witnessed a woman drop off between 8,000 and 10,000 voter registrations at the clerk office on Oct. 8, 2020, many appearing to be fraudulent. The incident was reported it to the Muskegon Police Department one week later. Eight thousand new voter registrations in Muskegon would amount to over 20 percent of the city’s population of only 38,000 residents.

• An ensuing investigation confirmed thousands of voter registrations in the same handwriting and many invalid or non-existent addresses. The suspect told Michigan State Police that she was being paid $1,150 per week to “find unregistered voters and provide them with a form so they can get registered to vote or obtain their absentee ballot.” The police found “dozens of new phones” and “hundreds of pre-paid payment cards” during the investigation.

• A Department of State analyst consulted in the investigation confirmed a quantity of voter applications were “clearly fraudulent” and others were “highly suspicious having either erroneous or are missing key pieces of information.” Others appeared to be legitimate.

• The organization behind the scheme was GBI Strategies, a firm hired by numerous Democrat campaigns. GBI Strategies was funded by a super PAC called “Black PAC,” which paid the firm $11,254,919 to register voters for Joe Biden in 2020. Employees of GBI Strategies were paid $15 an hour or $120 a day, according to the police report.

• GBI Strategies was believed to be operating not just in Muskegon, but throughout Michigan and in other Swing States.

• Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel’s office contacted the Muskegon Police Department and asked Michigan State Police to assist with a joint investigation. The Michigan police then turned their investigation over to the FBI.

• Andrew Kloster, deputy general counsel at the United States Office of Personnel Management during the Trump Administration, said he was made aware of the investigation into GBI Strategies before the 2020 Election and attempted to raise the issue for further investigation. He was informed there were “standing orders not to deal with election matters” in the offices of the White House counsel office and Attorney General Bill Barr.

• The investigation was not made public until 2023, after the police reports were obtained through a Michigan Freedom of Information Act request.

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