Random Internet Shit you've come across


As far as influencing our Gov that is accomplished through political donations, ‘charity’ donations, and straight up bribes far more than any other method. Ask the Clintons and Bidens about that. Both administrations received huge amounts of money from offshore sources.
Clintons, she has been under investigation since they lived in Arkansas. Been dirty in two centuries....
“Intelligence officials say”. What a fucking joke. Probably the same ones who said the Hunter Biden laptop was disinformation. 🤬

Sadly there are idiots who will fall for this. The last thing China or Russia want is a Trump presidency. Russia loses money from increased US energy production. China loses money on expansion of US manufacturing.
As a reminder, Russia did much better with a Trump presidency than the Biden presidency. Trump and Putin seemed to get along pretty well.

Things have really sucked for Russia with the Biden presidency, but of course they brought it upon themselves.
Sure is a lot of populist overly simplifed theories on here. Of course Putin wants Trumpy to win cause he knows there a chance Trump will pull money and resources from Ukraine and the US is their only lifeline. Putin does NOT want Sleep Joe to win and it's quite obviously that the offshore Russian troll accounts are pumping out pro Trump propganda to sway Americans oppinions.
Sure is a lot of populist overly simplifed theories on here. Of course Putin wants Trumpy to win cause he knows there a chance Trump will pull money and resources from Ukraine and the US is their only lifeline. Putin does NOT want Sleep Joe to win and it's quite obviously that the offshore Russian troll accounts are pumping out pro Trump propganda to sway Americans oppinions.
No need to say russian trolls pumping out propaganda, FJB and his administration have that under control lol. And I would agree with pulling money and resources from everyone. You have to take care of home before you can take care of others (at least that's what I do in my household).
Wonder how many Dems are smacking her upside her head about now.
Open the floodgates and EVERYONE will be investigated.

Wonder how many Dems are smacking her upside her head about now.
Open the floodgates and EVERYONE will be investigated.

I vaguely remember her catching flak for receiving that fancy tax the rich dress a while back. How ironic.
Sure is a lot of populist overly simplifed theories on here. Of course Putin wants Trumpy to win cause he knows there a chance Trump will pull money and resources from Ukraine and the US is their only lifeline. Putin does NOT want Sleep Joe to win and it's quite obviously that the offshore Russian troll accounts are pumping out pro Trump propganda to sway Americans oppinions.

Overly simplified is believing that UKR can defeat Russia, that Russia will abandon its ethnic population in east UKR, that Russia will give up its Black Sea ports, that Russia will allow UKR to become a NATO country after the US gave assurances that we would not move NATO eastward. Overly simplified is also believing that US taxpayers should send an endless stream of money (that we must borrow) to fund a proxy war with a nuclear armed country and nothing bad will happen. It’s also encouraging UKR lose hundreds of thousands of its young people in a war that they previously wanted a negotiated settlement to- but the US and NATO encouraged UKR to stay the course- in order to ‘degrade’ Russia for the benefit of NATO and the US.

We are told by the experts that Putin/Russia is the world’s greatest threat to democracy and that he wants to revive the Soviet Union. We are also told Trump is Putin’s buddy and he will allow Putin to do bad things- but yet Putin did not invade UKR when Trump was president.

The ‘experts’ telling us all this have the following track record:

Afghanistan: trillions $ wasted, thousands of US dead, Taliban is now the official government, has billions of US military equipment and is stronger than ever.

Iraq: trillions $ wasted, thousands of US killed, Iran is essentially running the country and wants us out

Syria: millions $ wasted, US killed, haven for terrorists, Assad still in power

Libya: millions $ wasted, US killed, haven for terrorists, things far worse than then it was under Ghadafi, but Hillary said Ghadafi was bad and we had to get rid of him.

Russia: it’s just a broke gas station with nuclear weapons and is about to collapse at any moment, we just need to send UKR a few more billion in weapons. The Russians are just bluffing about using nukes if their territory is threatened

I may be wrong but I’m a bit suspicious about what the ‘experts’ are telling us about this. How much actual war reporting have you seen other than some random drone footage? Maybe there is a reason for that? I actually don’t want Ukers or Russians to die, but more importantly I don’t want WW3 because some overly confident fools think they have it all figured out- and that everyone else has overly simplified populist theories.
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