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So everyone behind Biden, party, press, voters, you name it, were suddenly taken aback last night by his performance? Anyone going to fall for that? There can't be a single person from either party surprised at last night. We've all seen it for the past couple years.

So why now is the abrupt about face? 4 years ago the election turned into a shit show and this one's gonna be even worse. Somethings up
CIA: We have 4 patsies that go by all 3 names in the vicinity. We can go Tango on the Target within 36 hours......Operation Dallas Rerun a go?
I think that’s more likely their final solution for 45. They are trying to provoke a response. Brandon would just get a cocktail to put him to sleep like a family pet. No one would be the wiser if he croaked in his sleep after his recent performance. No reason to make a big mess.
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