Random Internet Shit you've come across

Yep! When AI can pump out mostly working blocks of code that I only need to modify slightly, there’s no need for junior devs any more. All those suckers that bought into code camps and the like are SOL. Haha
You are correct that AI can already do that. A co-worker did an AI request related to obscure crypto code we were working on, and the code produced was almost as good as expert human-written code found on a web site.

Someone still needs to make the whole thing work correctly though.
The fob may have had no inherent value beyond being like a blank key. For example, perhaps it needs to be programmed with a unique crypto code on the day of the elections, and needs to be confirmed (so the code works) at point of use via information only known by the person entitled to use it. Otherwise the engineers who designed the system are idiots. Such systems are used every day in the world of computing.

These articles make much hay about something perhaps less useful than a car fob.

Or perhaps you're full of poop Bob and someone got caught trying to steal exactly what they were looking for?
Deliberately left out in the open for all to see or a result of incompetence by those who are in charge now?
It's not supposed to be a secret. It's more like a technology demonstrator and test bed and it's certainly not a weapon. Now what they develop as a result of their research, that's another story.
Scene at the Pittsburgh Airport. So instead of telling everyone to show up 3 damn hours early to pass through your stupid goddam checkpoints, perhaps you could open up a few more lines? Yeah, I want to get up at 1AM to make a 6AM flight?! EAD

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